Even better data and remarketing
Even better data and remarketing

Even better data and remarketing with Leadoo and GTM

Reap the benefits of integrating Leadoo with your Google Tag Manager.


Tuesday 15.3.2022
Time 9:00am-10:00am GMT


Online, so where ever you happen to be!

Event information

GDPR, iOS changes and a plethora of other things have made website visitor tracking more difficult and effective remarketing more challenging than it has been ever before.

Integrating Leadoo to your Google Tag Manager allows you to unleash capabilities you’ve never seen before in this area.

Do effective remarketing based on company size, number of visits, indicators of interest and other behavioral cues.

This, and much more will be covered in this efficient learning session!



Leadoo 💙 Google Tag Manager, why this works together?


What you can do in practice and what are the concrete benefits?


Use case examples + audience questions.

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