Company identification
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Company Identification

Know which companies visit and gain key info about each

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Company profiles

Key company information in a handy company profile such as official name, registered address, industry, headcount and revenue so you can see which companies visit at a glance

Company Insights Company profiles view
Company Insights Visitor profile linking


Visitor profile linking

Leadoo automatically identifies which visitors are visiting from particular companies, and links their event timeline in the company profile in the Users section – giving you an overview of every buyer’s time on your site.


Company journey insights

See information about each company’s journey based on the activity of all employees that have interacted with your site, including page visits, number of bot discussions and details of Live Chat conversations.

Company Insights - Company journey insights

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Completely Free

You can now sample our Conversion Insights FOR FREE with Leadoo Lite.

  • Company Identification
  • Website Analytics
  • Platform & Dashboards
  • Leadoo Sales Assistant
Company insights google tag manager integration Company identification Company identification


Google Tag Manager integration

Google Tag Manager can be used across the Leadoo platform and attached to actions or particular demographics to allow you to create super specific groups for retargeting on social media, for example.


100% GDPR compliant

Company identification is 100% GDPR compliant, so you don’t have to worry about anything. Just enjoy the data.

Company identification is 100% GDPR compliant

Let us show you to do it!

It’s everything you can think of – and more. Let us explain some of its use cases.

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