Use cases – lead generation

Leadoo for lead generation

98% of your visitors leave without a trace.

Let’s fix that. Increase the number of quality leads from the traffic you’re already getting using Leadoo’s best-in-class conversion tools.

Leadoo for lead generation

Lead Generation

Let your visitors interact with you 24/7, in the right place, and at the right time.

Provide your visitors with easy ways to leave their contact information, send a request for a quotation, or calculate a purchase price. Get these pre-qualified hot leads straight to your inbox (or CRM system).

Leadoo allows you to increase the number of inbound leads on average between 30% and 70%. These leads are typically of a higher quality, due to the pre-qualifying questions you can ask the customer with our conversion tools.


Sales enablement

Visitors come to your website, but leave after taking no action? We know, it’s sad.

But, not any more. Leadoo’s conversion tools make it easy to guide your visitors to the right information, get a detailed understanding of their needs, and easily help them through your sales funnel a lot faster than they normally would.

The conversion tools also allow you to gain more information about your potential buyers, and by leveraging this information, you can increase your online sales even further.

Lead qualification

With our conversion tools, you can easily understand the needs of your website visitors and see which stage of the buying process each visitor is at.

This helps to ensure that those who are ready to buy are passed on to your sales team immediately for action, whilst cooler leads get the additional information and nurturing they need to be able to make a purchasing decision.

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Completely Free

You can now sample our Conversion Insights FOR FREE with Leadoo Lite.

  • Company Identification
  • Website Analytics
  • Platform & Dashboards
  • Leadoo Sales Assistant
Conversion Experts

Our Conversion Experts are here to help

If your goal is to increase the number of leads and online sales, with Leadoo you can meet that goal. And you don’t need to be a tech whizz or computer expert either – our Conversion Experts are here to help you at all stages of the process.

They build your conversion tools for you, with your goals and business in mind. They’ll train you to use our platform, and continually optimise your solutions for better results.

You can now try Leadoo FOR FREE