Live Chat
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Serve your customers how and when it suits them.

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Works on mobile and desktop

Provide support to customers wherever they are, whenever they need it, no matter where your agents are. Live Chat works on mobile and desktop for both parties so your customers can get in touch when they need it most.

LiveChat mobile desktop live chat Live Chat
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Hybrid solutions

Provide your users with the option of an automated or human experience, and qualify visitors prior to hand off using the automated chat functions.


Technical excellence

Often, additional tools slow your website down, but that’s not the case with our Live Chat solution.

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Untapped upselling potential

Direct visitors to Live Chat to speak to your agents, who’ll already be armed with the knowledge on the visitor they are assisting so they can easily identify potential upsells.

Versatile use cases

You can use Live Chat to support your customers, generate leads, upsell, and to assist in product selection, to name but a few.

Customer support

Offer customers the choice between automated and human chat experiences and direct the more complex cases to human help.

Leads and upselling

Qualify prospects using the automated chat function, then hand over to the right team of humans on Live Chat to support, or sell (and upsell!).

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