Complete Guide to Chatbots


Complete Guide to Chatbots

One-to-one conversations with prospects and customers can make all the difference – there is real value in conversations! And that is why we put together this guide to chatbots.

Adding chatbots on your website is one of the better ways to improve customer experience, and also drive you more leads or online sales.

In this guide, we explain how chatbots can help you offer stellar online CX and improve the results of marketing and sales.


Improve your conversational game with industry insights.

Our guide to chatbots consists of the following topics:

• What is a chatbot

• How to design one

• How do I know if I need a chatbot

• Main benefits of chatbots

• What industries or company types benefit the most

…and a lot more!

We also listed some of the most prominent chatbot providers with description of their specific features.

All of the above and a lot of facts and figures can be found from our guide to chatbots. Download below!

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