Bots Help Create the Future of Billing
Ropo Capital

Bots Help Create the Future of Billing

Bots Help Create the Future of Billing

Ropo Capital creates the future of billing by focusing on great customer experience and the latest technologies.



We had a talk with Jenni Jantunen from Ropo Capital

Ropo Capital creates the future of billing. At its core is a comprehensive service that covers every step of the invoice lifecycle. The company wants to make billing an intuitive task for its customers, with all of the steps handled smoothly with the same partner. Ropo Capital accelerates the implementation of its vision by making use of the latest technology.


Corporate websites often serve many different user groups, and ropocapital.fi makes no exception. Because different visitor profiles are looking for different things on the site, Ropo Capital wanted to make it easier for them to find the relevant information and thus improve customer experience on the site. Brand & Marketing Manager Jenni Jantunen believed that this would also increase the number and quality of inbound contacts.


The Ropo team quickly identified many use cases for Leadoo-bots. First, the bots were harnessed to make it easier for visitors to navigate the site. Very soon, however, the technology was expanded to include recruitment needs, to answer frequently asked questions, and to gather feedback from participants at Ropo events.

“It’s great for us and our site visitors that the Leadoo bots bend to so many different purposes. In addition, the service provided by the bots can be personalized, targeted and tailored to the smallest detail, according to our brand.

After a forthcoming website renewal, the number of bots is expected to increase. The aim is to support recruitment and customer service even more strongly, and to further develop the bots’ ability to provide quick assistance to visitors’ varying needs. Bots are also being harnessed to automate the early stages of the sales process.

“I would recommend Leadoo to anyone who has a website! If you want to provide better service to your site visitors and gain business benefits at the same time, Leadoo MT can definitely help.”


Leadoo’s bots have brought a clear improvement for Ropo Capital, especially in the recruitment field, as the recruitment bot lowers the search threshold and helps applicants assess their suitability for the job.

“With our recruitment bot, we can communicate effectively about Ropo Capital’s culture, working practices and the demands of the open position. The applicant’s threshold has been significantly lowered and we have received more and better applications, faster.”

Since the launch of Leadoo-bots, recruitment bots have been receiving contacts constantly, and getting feedback on events has become much easier. Technology plays a significant role in Ropo Capital’s business, so they look for similar qualities in their partners to support Ropo’s position as a pioneer in the billing industry.

“Leadoo bots increase the interactivity of our site and help us serve our customers even better. We see huge potential in bots, so their role will surely only grow in the future.”


Jenni was impressed by the systematic and smooth implementation of the service:

“It was great to see that the onboarding process is well designed, but it also adapts to the customer’s starting level and needs. Although we were very quick in getting the bots built, help was always available from the start.”

Overall, her thoughts on our collaboration are very positive:

“The Leadoo team is actively in touch with us. As a customer, we feel that we are well taken care of. It’s a pleasure to work with their bunch – they’re always ready to help if we should need anything.”

Jenni Jantunen, Brand & Marketing Manager at Ropo Capital

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