6 Creative Ways For Lead Generation in the Construction Industry by Using Chatbots​
4 years ago

6 Creative Ways For Lead Generation in the Construction Industry by Using Chatbots​

Do you know a construction company that has too many leads? Neither do we!

That’s why we gathered together these 6 golden tips for generating more leads from a construction company’s website with the help of chatbots.

#1 Make it easier to buy your product or service

6 ways construction 6 Creative Ways For Lead Generation in the Construction Industry by Using Chatbots​

We are kind of stating the obvious here. Making things easier is what chatbots do. The fresh idea is to place the chatbot where you list your product alternatives and pricing information. That’s a place of big questions and strong reactions. In other words, a place where you either make or break a deal.

The unfortunate truth is that construction product and service offerings are usually difficult to grasp, especially for someone who’s not familiar with the space and alternative solutions. Your job is to make understanding and choosing the best solution as simple as possible.

Enter the chatbot. Here’s a couple of ideas on how to help out the visitor and even capture the lead. 1: Explain your solutions in understandable language and tie them to the related benefits for the customer. 2: Ask a few questions and suggest the best fit solution based on the visitor’s answers. 3: Let the visitor send a question about a specific solution. 4: Let the visitor book a meeting or demo.

Voilà! One new lead with clear intent en route to the sales team’s open arms. Sounds easy? Well, it actually is. Look how this construction company does it on their website.

#2 Bring added value to case studies

You’ll start to notice a recurring theme here: there are creative ways to use chatbots for lead generation with pretty much any content type you have on the website. Case studies are a bit different compared to blog posts, and you want to address this change in the reader’s state of mind.

Again: the chatbot brings a natural, non-intrusive and 100% relevant continuation to the content that your website visitor has just been reading. It brings static content to life and activates visitors on another level.

When someone’s reading your case study it means they are interested. So, don’t let them slip away. Make sure to offer them help and additional reading after they’ve read your masterpiece.

With case studies, you could for instance design your chatbot to present additional testimonials or further information about your customers in a specific vertical. To capture the lead, you could build a useful material with more case studies, and let people download it directly from the chatbot. If it helps them, it will help you.

#3 Replace contact forms with chatbots

Chatbots are a fantastic alternative to traditional lead gen forms. Whereas contact forms can be a turn-off to potential leads, chatbots endorse the most natural form of human interaction: a conversation.

We’ve all been there. Trying to summon magical intuition to find our way through a form with a set of cryptic open fields. In some cases, the form is just so heavy that we won’t even bother. And too often this is the case especially in construction where the products and services are complex and almost always custom solutions.

A bot counters the pitfalls of contact forms effectively. You can disclose information progressively, and engage the website visitor bit by bit. Every step takes them closer to conversion, and the threshold is much lower compared to forms with anything more than 2 fields.

A lot of companies complement contact forms with chatbots. This tactic gives people with different preferences an equally appealing method of contacting your business. If your data backs it up, you can even fully replace contact forms with chatbots. In most cases, though, we’ve learned that chatbots and forms can coexist successfully, both bringing in their share of leads.

#4 Convert leads from your blog posts

Blog posts are the perfect place to create deeper engagement between the audience and your company. Let’s say you’ve published an article titled 🏚 The Most Innovative Construction Sites in the World 🕋. A reader enjoys your content so much that they reach the end. And what do you know – your seamlessly embedded chatbot strikes at just the right time to continue the conversation.

At this point, innovative construction sites are all the visitor can think about, so the conversation your bot started couldn’t be more relevant. You could ask about their favorite site from the list, have a quick chat about how much you both would like to visit that site in person. After finding a common passion, your chatbot could casually ask whether the visitor would like to know more about your expertise in this area.

If yes: Great! You’ve just converted a lead. If no: That’s cool, too. Not everyone will convert. However, the conversation didn’t go to waste. You collected valuable information about your potential customers. And if you have visitor identification & tracking in place, you now have a profile for that person, outlining their company, as well as past & future interactions with your content.

Only imagination limits what you can do with a chatbot at the end of your blog post. Depending on the article, of course, you might even be able to book a meeting straight from the article!

#5 Combine multiple CTAs within one chatbot

It’s great to make a list of the conversion types you’re collecting on your website. For most construction companies, these include a general contact request or a a demo booking, event sign up, material download and newsletter subscription to name a few.

Now think about how you can combine some of those CTAs to boost your lead generation and marketing performance.

Maybe you’re sharing a case study presentation via a chatbot. When the visitor has downloaded the material, you could point out what a great opportunity it is to subscribe to your newsletter or even agree on a call with one of your experts while they’re at it. This is just one example of a method we’ve found very effective.

+1 Interview and qualify job candidates

This one is a bit different. As you know, finding quality workforce is difficult and it’s listed as one of the main pain points for construction industry leaders around Europe. So this means job candidates are another important target group to cater on your website. Who wouldn’t like to receive more applications to an open role at a faster rate?

Chatbots are remarkably effective in generating recruitment leads. You can place a customized chatbot within each job ad page, or even make a generic one for your careers-section.

Here comes the best part: you get to ask the most important questions that determine whether someone would be a good fit for your open position and the missing link to your team. This is valuable to you, but also the candidate, as they will get a better understanding of what’s required.

As a result, you get more and better applicants with less time spent. Winning!

Closing Words

Hopefully it is apparent to you that there are several ways chatbots can construction industry companies generate more leads. We hope you found this article useful.

Limited offer for construction & renovation businesses

The construction industry – as many others – is going through tough times. We want to give you a hand and help you pull through.

For a limited time, we’re offering a free Leadoo ChatBot to help you capture more sales from your website. (save 199€/month)

Activate the chatbot here to claim your free chatbot or visit this page to learn more.

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