Does Leadoo use cookies?

Leadoo Help Center


Does Leadoo use cookies?

January 30, 2020

At Leadoo we take tracking seriously from a legal and personal privacy point of view. We understand that businesses want to maximize their advertising spend and thus targeting and have built in features that make this better and easier from a business point of view. But we also appreciate and put the individual users at center stage when designing our tools. Leadoo has thus built in support for completely airgapping our conversion tools (e.g. bots and visual forms) from the analytics tracking and e.g. google tag manager integrations. As a design principle we build relationships with one customer at a time and that customer decides what to do with our tooling. We do not build global user profiles which would enable sharing or selling of user data across customers, unlike many of our competitors.

This page is built as a way to communicate that from a technical point of view and to help you make yourself compliant. You will among others find what to include in your CMP (Consent Management Platform or “cookie popup”).


As third-party cookies are being phased out by most browsers we no longer rely on them. In addition, it’s also common for users to periodically empty their browser’s cache. Even if you had a cookie popup and your customers clicked “I approve” their iPhone would not install the 3rd party cookie – and you wouldn’t be able to follow them. Even if they approved it. Cookies are dead. Thus cookies are no longer a technical measure to track users. But from a legal point of view, we include all ways of enabling tracking into our design of “cookie support” for our customers.

Whenever we talk about cookies, we include eTags, sessions storages, IP address tracking, hashing of various metrics and behaviors (such as use agents). This does not remove the fact that user agents, IP addresses etc are used for technically enabling any kind of web traffic, including using Leadoo’s tooling – but we do not use these for creating profiles. All technologies to create profiles are listed below.

Leadoo is designed to completely separate the tooling into 1) bots that behave like and replace forms and 2) analytics that is made for tracking. The latter is most commonly (depending on local legislation) put behind a cookie popup, or CMP.

What are Etags and session storage?

ETags are a way to track different browsers, similar to how cookies are used. Technically the implementation details are a bit different. ETags are built for recognizing if the web browser already has an asset (such as an image or video) so that the server doesn’t need to send it over the wire again.

In practice, eTags are used in a similar way to cookies to fingerprint a user and to know that a browser that visits the site right now is the same one that visited the site a week ago.

Leadoo also uses session storage, which is a storage in the browser.

Functional cookies below are things that don’t track you but are needed for the bots. Analytical cookies below are things that can be used for tracking users.


session storage “ld_session_origin – The ld_session_origin serves as a reference to the domain where the current session initiated. It’s used to recognise when there’s a domain shift and determine if a new session should begin.

session storage “ld_al_exp” – Session expiry timestamp.

local storage “ld_bot_consent” – Set after the user has interacted with the bot. After this Leadoo Analytics may be activated.

ld_BOTID_open_time where BOTID is the numerical ID of a bot (used for tracking open visual bot modals were opened)

session storage “ld_env” – storing UTM parameters and referrer, for the purpose of managing referrals across pages.


Etag “iapi.leadoo.com” – eTags is used for connecting one visitor session with the next. (Technically all websites always use “hundreds” of etags)

local storage “Id_id” – Set by Leadoo Analytics for detecting device being used

session storage “ld_co” – unique id of the company profile identified by analytics script (for the current session only).

session storage “ld_cinf” – Basic information about the company, without identifiable data, resolved during company identification process.

session storage “ld_session_id” – Application session to distinguish client server connections from each other.

ld_wse – The ld_wse is a buffer for website events, designed to temporarily collect user actions such as link clicks and form submissions. When a user clicks on a link, they are immediately redirected to the new page. On the second page visit, the system attempts to send any buffered events that weren’t previously sent. This ensures that all user interactions are captured and processed for analytics.


You may encounter other cookies and such as well like

cookie “__cfduid”  – This relates to content delivery network called Cloudflare. See Understanding the Cloudflare Cookies 

Cookie “ga” and similarly – See Google Analytics and how they use cookies. (if using Google Tag Manager)

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