How Leadoo tracking works & how to set it up

Leadoo Help Center


How Leadoo tracking works & how to set it up

August 30, 2023

How Company Identification works:
Leadoo collects information about visiting companies based on the public IP address of the company. So, the visiting person’s IP address is identified -> checked if it belongs to a company. If it does, the company is shown in the company listing. If it doesn’t, the information isn’t displayed – in either case, the IP address isn’t stored anywhere.

We have a partner company called Clearbit. So, the IP address information goes there and company information comes back from their database. Visitor profiles (if in use) are then linked to these companies either via IP or according to company information given in the bot (i.e., manually filled in the company name into the bot). If there are additional questions / need for clarification, I am happy to answer.

Where Clearbit gets its data:
In short, from public sources. Clearbit probably won’t tell where they get their data but almost all such actors (for example, Leadfeeder in Finland, Lead Forensics in UK) make use of several different sources; they have people who browse the web, they use public data sources, etc. However, it’s important to note that these are not personal data, but Clearbit, Leadfeeder etc. link the company’s IP space to the company’s name and its public information. For example, if Nokia Oy owns the IP space, then whenever a visitor comes from those addresses, it is recognized that the visitor works at Nokia.

Another important thing is, from Clearbit’s point of view they never know whose sites the visitor has even visited and from your site there never goes a call to Clearbit. All traffic to them goes through Leadoo. So, they don’t know whether the person working at Nokia has visited hs.fi, leadoo.com, or etuovi.fi. They don’t even know about the existence of any of these or any information about the person.

How Visitor Tracking works:
Personal data comes from the information people leave in the bot. Before that, we can “identify” the devices that have been used to visit the sites. These people are “unknown visitors” until they leave their contact details through the bot. Identification is done based on the etag left by the device and browser (works the same way as a cookie, but different technology). So how it works: A person comes to the site -> tracking is on if cookies are accepted -> x device is identified. -> person leaves the site -> an “unknown visitor” profile is created -> The person returns to the site the next day with the same device -> the same etag is recognized, meaning the person visiting with the same device is recognized -> the information from the previous day and new information are combined under the same profile -> person leaves their own information in the bot -> “Unknown visitor” becomes an identified person based on lead information.

Tracking Options:
There is 4 different tracking options you can set up on Leadoo’s control panel.

  1. Always: Add tracking information to all events
  2. CMP: Wait for permission from a TCFv2 compliant Consent Management Platform (CMP) before enabling tracking (disabled before permission). If a CMP is not detected within 5 seconds, enable tracking.
  3. Consent: Wait until the bot is interacted with, and then track
  4. Never: Don’t add tracking information to any event

There is also on options to override user tracking options if you want to only track companies. In that case you would choose “Never track” and in Company tracking you’d choose “Always track”.

If you want to add Leadoo tracking to your cookie acceptance but your CMP isn’t TCFv2 compliant you have to use Custom Consent Handling

How Custom Consent Handling works:
So how this should work is that Leadoo loads two types of scripts in different ways depending on whether the user accepts statistical cookies or not. So if the user does not accept statistics, the bots will load, but the analytics script will not load. As a result of this loading, cookies etc load correctly automatically. Below is how to make this work like this:

Leadoo’s bots can be loaded directly onto the website. However, Leadoo’s tracking can be put behind cookie acceptance. This happens in the following way:
From Leadoo’s tracking settings, the option “never” is activated <- tracking doesn’t automatically start. By default, Leadoo’s settings are ‘always track’, but it can be changed from Leadoo’s control panel. At the same time, the following script is added to your CMP that overrides the “never” rule after cookie acceptance and Leadoo’s tracking starts to work:

if (!window.ldanalytics) window.ldanalytics = [];
window.ldanalytics.push(function(a) {
a.toggleTracking(true, false);

More information here: http://docs.leadoo.io/docs/analytics-tracking#custom-consent-handling

And here’s which category each cookie falls into: https://leadoo.com/help/does-leadoo-use-cookies/. But as mentioned, with the way above, they load correctly depending on cookie acceptance.

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