How to change Bot Icon and Bot nickname

Leadoo Help Center


How to change Bot Icon and Bot nickname

February 22, 2023

You can change your Bot Icon and Bot nickname from individual bots settings.

Navigate to the bot you want to change the icon.

When you’re in the Conversion Kit and have found the bot you want to edit click Actions and select Settings

*You can use the search field to find specific bot by searching either the bot name or the bot id found on the embedding code

Näyttökuva 2023 2 22 kello 10.54.38 How to change Bot Icon and Bot nickname

On the General tab you can see Bot Icon and Bot nickname next to each other.

Näyttökuva 2023 2 22 kello 10.55.37 How to change Bot Icon and Bot nickname
Adding a team member step 4

You can use predefined bot icons or upload a photo from your files to use as your bot icon. Make sure that the photo you upload is a square (ie. 200px x 200px) and that the photo is .png .jpg. or .jpeg

You can also give the bot a nickname that will be visible on chatbots header. This name will be shown to anyone who starts a discussion with the bot.

Make sure to save any changes you make.

If you have any issues or need help you can contact [email protected]

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