How to create remarketing audiences with Leadoo

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How to create remarketing audiences with Leadoo

August 30, 2023

Step 1. Decide what you want to add to your audiences.

  • ie. people who talk to specific bots / have clicked a certain button during bot discussion
  • You can create different audiences for people who’ve clicked their interested in working for you or buying from you
Remarketing audiences How to create remarketing audiences with Leadoo
Remarketing audiences 2 How to create remarketing audiences with Leadoo

Step 2. Create triggers on GTM

  • Create your triggers based on your decision what you want to add to your audiences.
  • You can use:
    • TRIGGER → This event is sent once a bot is triggered
    • DISCUSSION → This event is sent once a bot discussion is started
    • LEAD → This event is sent once a lead is converted
    • GTM-1234 → This event is sent once a button is clicked within the bot discussion
      As default the event names are set such as: “GTM-2663823”, but they can be edited on the Leadoo backend.
  • Options above are generic events Leadoo will automatically send to your GTM after you’ve connected your Leadoo account and your GTM-container

  • You can also use Data layer variable with the triggers above to specify your audience
    • category <- Bot type (embed, chat, cta, modal)
    • bot_category <- For each bot you can set a bot category on the Leadoo backend, this allows you to create for example separate analytics for sales and recruitment bots
    • label <- For each multi select answer you can create custom labels. These can be for example interest type of the customer
    • text <- Info of what text was written on the bot.
    • bot_name <- Name of the bot
    • bot_nickname <- Name given on bot settings

Remarketing audiences 3 How to create remarketing audiences with Leadoo

Step 3. Create tags

  • Here you have to decide where you want to use these audiences (ie. facebook/meta or Google Ads or LinkedIn


  • Facebook: Use the script below to create a facebook event to happen. Set it to trigger from the Leadoo event you’ve created on step 2


fbq(‘trackCustom’, ‘remarketing-ecommerce’);


 ‘remarketing-ecommerce’ <- this part of the script will be the name of the audience on your Ads Manager

Remarketing audiences 4 How to create remarketing audiences with Leadoo

Google Ads: 

  • Go to ads.google.com and create a new conversion action (website)
  • After you’ve set up the conversion select Use Google Tag Manager and copy the Conversion ID and Conversion Label.
  • Go back to GTM and create a new tag (Google Ads conversion tracking)
  • Add the Conversion ID and Conversion Label
  • Set it to trigger from the Leadoo event you’ve created on step 2
GAds Tracking How to create remarketing audiences with Leadoo
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