How to modify lead notification email

Leadoo Help Center


How to modify lead notification email

January 18, 2023

Lead settings

On Lead settings you can define what information you want to include on your lead emails by selecting different sections.*

*Note, that all the information is not always available, in which case the field will not be included in the email even if selected.

You can also define Email subject and intro text. That way you can make the email subject more clearer to the lead recipients. Ie. You can add the email subject to contain name and company of the person that contacted you. You can use following macros: 

  • {{name}}
  • {{first_name}}
  • {{last_name}}
  • {{email}}
  • {{phone}}
  • {{total_score}}
  • {{company_name}}
  • {{country}}
  • {{city}}
  • {{location}}
  • {{post_code}}

Lead settings pic1 How to filter, resend, and export leads

If you use outlook we recommend you to use Outlook optimized email templates. 

And if you have issues copying the message from lead emails select ”Include a plain .txt to lead info with the lead email”

Lead settings pic2 How to filter, resend, and export leads

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