Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)

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Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)

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January 14, 2023

Leadoo’s bot conversations are build with different nodes. With these nodes you can use to personalize your conversations. In this article we explain what are the different node types and how you can use them.

There are 18 different node types which you can use to personalize your conversations.

  1. BotSays
  2. Single Choice
  3. Multiple Choice
  4. Dropdown
  5. Open field
  6. Calendar
  7. Logic router
  8. Advanced Logic Router
  9. Calculator
  10. Send to URL
  11. Email
  12. Phone
  13. Name
  14. Company
  15. Location
  16. Form
  17. Attachment
  18. Livechat

Bot Says – For when you want to ‘say something’ without offering an option and will load the next part of the conversation straight afterwards.

Leadoo nodes Bot Says Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)

Single Choice – When you want the visitor to select only one choice which can then branch off to different pathways or the same.

Leadoo nodes Single Choice Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)

Multiple Choice – When you want the visitor to select multiple options and continue down one path afterwards.

Leadoo nodes Multiple Choice Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)

Dropdown – This is useful when you have a long list of options for the visitor to choose from such as location. To use this you must have already created and saved a dropdown list.

Find out how to add dropdown lists here.

Leadoo nodes Dropdown Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)

Open field – Adds a box with an open text field for the visitor to complete

Leadoo nodes Open Field Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)

Calendar (Date & time picker) – Visitor can choose the date and time freely from the calendar. The time slot they picked won’t be synchronized to any calendar, so this node is just for picking a time.

Leadoo nodes Date Time picker Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)

Calendar (Calendar booking) – Visitor can book a meeting straight from your calendar that has been integrated and synchronized with Leadoo. Calendar Booking makes sure to check you calendar and only shows time slots that are available.
You can read more from here: How to sync your calendar with Leadoo

Leadoo nodes Calendar Booking Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)

Logic Router – Use this to determine what option the visitor gets based on their previous responses. This could be via a scoring method or by label.

Using scoring – You will need to add a score to each answer from previous single choice nodes to determine the result here, then set the score you want to determine which result.

e.g. If visitor scored 1-10 they get answer #1, if the score 11-20 they get answer #2.

You can use this to decide if a candidate gets through to the end of an application, or if you want to give a suggestion based on a visitors preferences.

Using labelling – You can also determine a result depending on what labels were most chosen on the single choice options beforehand.

e.g. Visitor selects 3 answers from previous questions, 2/3 of those had the label ‘red’ so they will then see the calculator result for red.

Learn how to set-up labelling here.

Leadoo nodes Logic Router Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)

Advanced Logic Router – More info here: Cheat sheet: Advanced Logic Router Operations

Calculator – More info here: Creating Dynamic Variables for Calculator and Advanced Logic Router Nodes

Send To URL – The same as Single Choice but allows you to hyperlink a button to another URL

External URL – is where you want the hyperlink to open
New tab = open in new tab
Current tab = open in the same tab

Leadoo nodes Send To URL Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)

Standard contact nodes include: Name, Email, Company name & Phone number

Grouped contact nodes

Contact – You can collect all your visitors details in one go and select from: name, email address, phone number, company name, country, city, street address, zip code and an additional message.

Leadoo nodes Form Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)

Location– Select which options you want including: country, city, street address & zip code

Leadoo nodes Locations Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)

Attachments – Use this to allow visitors to upload documents or images. E.g. a CV or supporting information for IT support.

Leadoo nodes Attachments Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)

Live Chat – Leadoo live chat can be initiated through single choice options but if you want to add other messaging options too (WhatsApp & Facebook Messenger), you can use the live chat node instead.

TIP – Make sure you still have automated dialogue too so that if there are no agents online your visitor can still get in touch.

Find out how to set-up and use live chat here

Leadoo nodes LiveChat Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)


Contact your Customer Success Manager at Leadoo at [email protected]

If you’re more of a visual learner, here is the video that will help you to better understand the different conversation nodes available. ⬇️

Nodes explained video preview Visual Bot Builder (Nodes Explained)
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