Leadoo Website Analytics

Leadoo Help Center


Leadoo Website Analytics

May 11, 2023

What is Leadoo Website Analytics?

How to get started?

Leadoo Website Analytics is automatically added to all existing Leadoo subscriptions and it doesn’t cost anything. You can find it from the navigation by clicking “Conversion Insights”.

To view your Leadoo Website Analytics
1. Log into your Leadoo account (free for all existing customers)
2. Make sure to copy the Leadoo dynamic script to your website header if you haven’t already done so
3. Dive into your website analytics!

If you can’t find Leadoo Website Analytics on your Leadoo account, please contact your Customer Success Manager at Leadoo at [email protected] or [email protected]

Additional resources:

New Release: Leadoo Website Analytics: https://leadoo.com/blog/new-release-leadoo-website-analytics/
Custom consent handling: https://docs.leadoo.io/docs/analytics-tracking#custom-consent-handling

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