
Leadoo Personaliser

Personalised website experiences bring you better results.

Leadoo for personalisation preview express glass warehouse Personaliser
Personalised triggering

Start relevant discussions

Make sure you address your website visitors with the right message, at the right time, always in a way that suits their buyers journey the best.

With Leadoo Personaliser, you can create:
  • Personalised discussions based on activities they’ve had during their session on your site
  • Customised conversations based on the source they’re visiting your site from
  • Specific conversations based on the industry the prospect is in
  • Specific discussions based on campaign UTMs
  • Different conversion tools displayed based on the most converting traffic source and industry
and however else you might need to use it to meet your needs!
Set rules for personalised dialogues
Personalised triggering

Personalise based on visitor intent

Your varying traffic sources and campaigns will bring people to your site with differing levels of intent and interest. You can take this into consideration with Personaliser, and create relevant experiences for all audiences – no matter where they are in the buying funnel.

You can use Personaliser to:

  • Provide specific, contextual discussions for each visitor based on their unique history and touch points
  • Ensure specific audiences see the most relevant content for them
  • Empower your sales team with data and analytics on your target groups and their behaviour on your site
  • Use the tools to invite specific groups to take part in webinars, events, and special offers
Example of Personalised interaction based on visitor intent
Two-way integration

If you know ’em, show ’em

With 2-way integration you’ll be able to take the personalisation even further. Connect your CRM system with the Leadoo platform, and you’ll be able to impress your website visitors with just how personal you can get.

A prospect in the pipeline is visiting your website? Trigger a discussion relevant to them. An existing customer’s looking for support? Trigger a help discussion, with FAQs and possibility to get in touch with your team. A newsletter signee, whose attended five webinars so far? Ask them to have a short feedback session with you, and learn from their experience.

All of this, made possible with Leadoo Personaliser.

Opportunities are there for the brave. The benefits of this are:

  • Always-contextual and relevant conversations with each of your target groups
  • Allows you to tailor conversations to the stage of the funnel visitors are in, increasing your chance of converting them
  • Easy-to-use platform with simple scripts and the ability to switch bots out based on your parameters
  • Make the most of Leadoo’s powerful analytics by enabling two-way integration with your CRM system
Personaliser 03 two way express glass warehouse Personaliser

See what works the best for your website visitors

Not convinced your visitors appreciate the personalised take? You can easily create AB-tests with the wanted personalisation features, and test them against more general conversion tools to find out. You’ll gain deep insights into your website visitors and their behaviour, preferences, and buying intent.

The benefits of AB testing are:

  • Easily see which style of conversation, answer options and conversational flow works best for each target group
  • Always stay on top of what your prospects are looking for by continuously testing the best tools for the job
  • Provides a magnifying glass for you to take a look at your visitors’ behaviour, intentions and preferences in never-before-seen levels of detail
Settings for Personaliser A B testing

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