How to collect GDPR-compliant data?

How to collect GDPR-compliant data?

May 13, 2022

This post has been brought to you by our friends from Cookie Information! They are true experts when it comes to cookie consents and staying extra safe with GDPR.

GDPR + marketing

98% of your website visitors just leave, without any kind of conversion. What if you could turn some of these 98% into loyal customers? Here’s how you can better understand your customers’ journey to target new audiences and retarget existing clients.

Only 2% of your website visitors convert.

The rest just come and go.

Wouldn’t you like to know who they are? And how you make them convert?

So do we.

That’s why we are always looking for new ways to get to know our potential clients a little better. Understanding customer journeys has been the soul of online marketing for years; and it continues to be.

Getting to know your customers requires a lot of data. This probably is not news to anyone. After GDPR it has become crucial to ask website visitors for a consent to collect their data.


We are constrained by law.

Yes, privacy laws like the ePrivacy Directive (the European cookie law) and the GDPR require us to obtain valid consent from our visitors before we collect their data.

This rule applies to us all.

Transparency and privacy are key factors for how buyers perceive your business.

So, now we’re going to show you how you can collect your users’ data to better understand your customers’ journey; all while being GDPR compliant!

How to collect GDPR compliant data

First, you should look for a good CMP.

What’s a CMP you might ask?

A Consent Management Platform (CMP) is a tool that collects your users’ valid consent to cookies on your websites and apps.

But why should you get a Consent Management Platform?

Because obtaining consent to cookies isn’t simply showing your visitors a banner on your website saying: “we use cookies – ok”.

GDPR consent is much more complex.

So, here is GDPR consent in a simplified form:

When you use cookies on your websites or apps that collect your visitors’ personal data (cookies from Google Analytics, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok or any other third-party service), you must:

  • Inform your users of the cookies you use and what data they collect (use a cookie banner).
  • Ask your users if you may use cookies (it’s a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ to cookies according to the GDPR).
  • Allow your users to choose what type of data you may collect (marketing, statistics etc.).

And of course, remember to store all the consents securely for 5 years so you can show them to the Data Protection Authorities if they come knocking at your door. They do that sometimes.

Still sounds complicated?

Don’t worry, it’s not.

You can easily collect valid GDPR consent.

Cookie consent that complies with GDPR

There are actually only a handful of Consent Management Platforms in the world that will enable you to collect a cookie consent that complies with the GDPR.

Cookie Information is one of them.

We make sure you always:

· Collect valid GDPR consent to cookies from your users
· Stay compliant with national cookie rules and the GDPR
· Get the support you need to implement and maintain your Consent Solution
· Get through an audit by the Data Protection Authorities (we have your back!)

With a solution like Cookie Information, your websites and apps are always up to date with current legislation, so you can focus on collecting the data you need to grow.

Data, of course, is only information until you put it together in the right way. At that point it becomes insights; something you can act upon.

Transform information into insights

One of the ways to transform all the data you collect into insights is by using a Conversion Platform.

Now, what’s that?

A conversion platform is a tool designed to collect and analyse your website’s conversions.

Yeah, but I got Google Analytics“, you might say.

Sure, it’s undoubtedly a great tool. Still, GA will only take you so far if you sell B2B.

A conversion platform is more than just endless amounts of raw data in graphs and pie charts. It activates and converts your visitors with deeper insights and automation.

A conversion platform has many built-in conversion tools to convert and nurture your website visitors.

One platform we have been happy to discover is Leadoo.

Leadoo is a Conversion Platform. It collects and displays your potential buyers’ data so your marketing and sales department can understand each step of the buyers’ journey.

Leadoo activates and engages your leads, so you start building a rapport with them. This means that you can nurture them all the way to a hard conversion. 🚀

And that is the goal of any business, right?

But as said earlier, collecting data requires attention to data privacy regulations like the GDPR.

When you use a conversion platform like Leadoo, it is built on the premise that you ask your website visitors’ permission to collect and use their data.

How to integrate Cookie Information with Leadoo

When Cookie Information is your Consent Management Platform, it’s easy to integrate it with Leadoo.

You can use this simple javascript, which is actually the only thing you need to do to integrate the two tools.

if (!window.ldanalytics) window.ldanalytics = [];
window.ldanalytics.push(function(a) {
    a.toggleTracking(true, false);

Ready to start converting?

Spark up a discussion with our friendly little helper right here 👇🏻 

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