What’s the difference between the user types?

Leadoo Help Center


What’s the difference between the user types?

January 29, 2022
user types leadoo user types What’s the difference between the user types?


There can be only one owner in your Leadoo backend. This is the person who has signed your contract. This person has access to the whole platform, can view, create and edit the bots, can view all the analytics and profiles, can edit settings and bot UIs and can manage users. They can also use Live Chat.


There can be multiple admins in your Leadoo backend. They have access to the whole platform, can view, create and edit the bots, can view all the analytics and profiles, can edit settings and bot UIs and can manage users. They can also use Live Chat.


There can be multiple member-level users in your Leadoo backend. They have access to edit and create the bots and view the bot analytics. They can also use Live Chat. They cannot access platform settings, edit bot UIs or manage other users.

This includes:

Conversion Insights: Access Bot insights, Company identification, Livechat insights, Source insights and Journey insights

Automation: Manage Workflows

Bots: Bot access, Basic bot management, Style management

Leads: Manage leads

AI: Manage knowledge base


Agent-level users have only access to the messaging platform (Live Chat). They cannot view or access other features of the platform.

Custom User Type

Read this article on how to create custom user types for greater control.

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