Setting up an integration to Google Analytics 4 using templates

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Setting up an integration to Google Analytics 4 using templates

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February 21, 2023

Leadoo is fully integrated to Google Tag Manager, meaning that custom events can be triggered for every interaction any visitor does with Leadoo chatbots. Here’s how to implement Google Tag Manager to work with Leadoo.

1. Add your Google Tag Manager container ID to your Leadoo admin panel

You can find your GTM container ID after logging in to Tag Manager. Copy your GTM container ID.

GTM container ID Setting up an integration to Google Analytics 4 using templates

After that log in to app.leadoo.com/sign-in

Go to Conversion Kit -> General bot settings -> Advanced

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Add your GTM container ID to the Google Tag Manager Code field
*In most cases you can leave GTM data layer property field empty.

After this has been set your bots will start sending events.

2. Open Google Tag Manager

Click Admin

On the right hand side open Import Container

GTM import container Setting up an integration to Google Analytics 4 using templates

You can download the correct file from here.

Click Choose container file

Add Leadoo-GA4-Template.json file

GTM Import file 1 Setting up an integration to Google Analytics 4 using templates

Choose existing workplace

After this choose an import option. You can merge conflicting tags, triggers and variables

Submit new tags, triggers, variables and templates

Go to Tags -> Add your GA4 configuration tag to the tags you’ve just created -> publish changes

You’ve now connected Leadoo to your Google Analytics 4

*If you haven’t connected GTM and GA4 you can connect the two applications. In your GTM container, create a new tag using the following steps:

  1. Click New Tag
  2. Label your new GA4 Configuration Tag
  3. Choose the Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration
  4. Input Your Measurement ID from GA4*
  5. Click the box “Send a page view event when this configuration loads”
  6. Click save

* You can find Measurement ID from GA4 under Admin -> Data Stream -> click account -> copy Measurement ID

If you need any help setting up the integration you can contact [email protected]

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