+30% More Leads for PT Workspace
PT WorkSpace

+30% More Leads for PT Workspace

30% More Leads for PT Workspace

PT Workspace pump up the business with a conversational lead generation approach.


Sports & wellbeing

Sharing experiences this time: Nathan Drury-Ellis, the founder of PT Workspace

PT Workspace is an innovative company that has tapped into the rapidly growing trend of personal training from a slightly different angle. They offer personal training spaces in prime locations. In addition they offer business support and mentoring for new personal training businesses.


First impressions count and Nathan wasn’t too happy how they were handling the first point of contact when a visitor arrived on their site. Also the fact that contact forms didn’t interact with the visitor had left Nathan to think that there should be way to get visitors more engaged and therefore to convert more visitors to leads.


Nathan ran into Leadoo MT when attending the Milton Keynes Sales Innovation Expo late 2019.

“I had never seen a solution like the InpageBot that Leadoo has. The concept was really original and served a need I was trying to fix in my business at that time.”

Quickly after that Leadoo was implemented to PT Workspaces website by the help of Leadoo’s onboarding personnel.

“The folks at Leadoo are really helpful and proactive. I know my business really well but it still isn’t easy to build bot conversations that engage and convert visitors. The people at Leadoo MT know what works.”


Nathan and the team was aware of the potential of Leadoo but the results still managed to impress them. 

  • More than +30% increase in the amount of leads

  • Lead quality hasn’t dropped

  • Bots have triggered several positive reactions from clients and partners

“We have been able to grow the amount of leads by more than +30% and the quality of the leads is high. This has been a very prosperous and positive experience!”


“The service attitude of these people is high. They are proactive and really effective.”

“The folks at Leadoo are really helpful and proactive. I know my business really well but it still isn’t easy to build bot conversations that engage and convert visitors. The people at Leadoo MT know what works.”

“We have been able to grow the amount of leads by more than +30% and the quality of the leads is high. This has been a very prosperous and positive experience!”

“I’m happy to recommend Leadoo to every business that is looking to engage and activate their website visitors in order to get more leads.”

Nathan Drury-Ellis, Founder, PT Workspace

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