Incredible results: A 546% increase in conversions for D-Tech (via TWI)
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Incredible results: A 546% increase in conversions for D-Tech (via TWI)

546% Increase in conversions for D-Tech




This time, we interviewed Andrew Butcher to get the inside scoop on D-Tech’s Leadoo journey 📈

We interviewed Andrew Butcher, Head of Digital at The Write Impression, as well as Abbie Baisden, Senior Customer Success Manager at Leadoo to find out how D-Tech’s journey with Leadoo has gone so far, how we’ve managed to achieve such a significant increase in conversions, and what the next steps might look like for them 🔎

D-Tech offers a huge host of EM, RF, RFIQ and RFID technologies for tracking, managing, protecting and forecasting demand in a number of sectors, particularly in libraries, education facilities and other businesses. Their products are designed with self-service in mind, to provide organisations such as libraries the facility to allow users to check books in and out themselves. 

D-Tech became a Leadoo client through our agency partner The Write Impression (TWI). TWI is a comprehensive digital marketing agency, offering services in copywriting, PR, branding and communications, to name a few, and they work with SMEs to large international organisations. 

Initial problems & objectives 🎯

TWI worked alongside our Experts and the client to set out some objectives for the implementation of Leadoo:

1. To increase the number of leads received. 

Originally, D-Tech received around 2-5 leads a month from their site. They wanted to double this to 10 leads a month, or 120 leads a year. Most of the leads generated from the D-Tech site prior to implementation were from a static contact form. Traffic levels were good – around 2000 visitors a month, and so we’d expect to see more than 2-5 leads from this once the Leadoo platform has been implemented.

2. To be able to qualify the leads coming in.

Prior to implementation, D-Tech had no way to qualify leads as they came in, and they had no way to filter out spam, from questions, from leads. This means that time was taken up in filtering through the responses that came through the static form, and then of these responses, the leads needed to be manually sent to the relevant team.

 D-Tech are a long standing client of TWI, and have recently been working with them on a whole host of improvements, including revamping their website and driving traffic to the site. They realised before too long that this wasn’t equating to more leads for D-Tech, and they realised they needed to do something more to get this client some results. In steps Leadoo Conversion Platform…

Solutions implemented 🛠

Abbie Baisden, Senior Customer Success Manager and TWI’s Leadoo expert, weighs in on the solutions implemented:

“We had a look at the site and knew a starting point would be to have something on the main page to activate and engage visitors, as well as to help and direct them,” Abbie explains, “We implemented a VisualBot on the homepage to help visitors to navigate across the site, and the bot also acts as a product selector to help visitors find what they need quickly. Originally, D-Tech had a static form on their homepage which wasn’t converting – their VisualBot is now their most converting tool on the site.”

Andrew explains their initial plan of attack: “We took the top 5 pages with the most traffic, and began with putting InpageBots on those pages to help qualify and capture leads from there.”

“In addition, we’ve implemented labelling for all visitor conversations to help sort the leads, and added flags to them to ensure they’re sent to the right teams, with the right priorities,” Abbie continues, “This was something we actually realised as a result of D-Tech having more than one domain – we were getting lots of leads via the UK site for their USA domain, and so we added these in to allow us to sort and filter the leads for the appropriate teams.”

Results 🚀

In terms of results, D-Tech achieved some pretty astounding stuff:

The Leadoo platform was implemented in March 2021. 

In 2019 – 2020, D-Tech had 23,000 sessions, representing a significant increase in traffic from the previous years, but with very few leads being received (so few that they actually weren’t recorded for this time period!). This had still achieved their main aim at this time though, which was driving more traffic to their site.

In the 1 year prior to Leadoo  implementation, March 2020 – 2021, D-Tech had 29,698 sessions, and received 101 conversions

In the 1 year since implementation,  March 2021 – 2022, D-Tech has had less traffic28,000 sessions, yet enjoyed 653 converted leads.

That’s a 546% increase in conversions!

546% increase in conversions

Of those, 211 were for their UK arm, and 316 were for their US domain. Their success for the US domain was so apparent that D-Tech have now implemented Leadoo there, too!

In their first month of implementation, they went from 2-5 leads a month, to 45, and by month 3 this had increased to 166 leads. As you can see from the numbers above, they have been able to maintain this level of lead generation without needing to increase their traffic level, which D-Tech (and TWI!) are very happy with indeed. 

At their three month check up with Abbie, D-Tech reported that their leads were continuing to rise slowly, and that they now wanted to focus on better quality. 

“We’re achieving this through changing the qualification criteria for their leads, asking more specific questions, and we also made phone numbers a mandatory field within the contact node instead of a follow-up question, for example,” explains Abbie, “Some of the leads coming through were also existing clients, so we changed the conversation pathways a bit to identify who the visitor is first – asking for their country and whether they’re a new or existing client before allowing them to proceed to the form.”

Objectives met ✅

✅ To increase the number of leads received. 

Originally, D-tech received around 2-5 leads a month from their site. They’re now consistently receiving 200 leads a month, and more when you take into account those which feed into their US domain and bots. Of all the leads received in the last year, 653 converted into deals.

✅  To be able to qualify the leads coming in.

D-Tech’s leads are now labelled, sorted based on the information each lead provides and sent to the relevant team automatically. No more manual sorting of leads, and spam leads or questions are filtered out and can be dealt with appropriately.

Final words

Andrew finishes with a comment on how it’s been to be part of the process:

“It’s been transformational for D-Tech, to the extent that we would now struggle to operate without it. The process of working with Leadoo is always good, onboarding is always easy, the bot solutions offered initially are always spot on, and the optimisations then help make these even better. It really has smoothened the customer journey and made it easier for them to convert.”

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