Generating Leads in Home Renovation

Generating Leads in Home Renovation

Generating Leads in Home Renovation

Swedish innovator Leadme has improved their customer experience and conversion rate with Leadoo.


Home renovation



Chatting with Marketing Director Dennis Hedenskog from Leadme

Leadme removes the hassle and uncertainty from home construction and renovation projects. The team helps people buy renovation services by finding and choosing the best provider and contract. They make sure that projects run smoothly and without costly surprises.


Leadme’s brand was re-imagined when they changed their business model to the current consumer-focused service. Their first goal was to start converting people on the newly designed website.

“We were able to attract a good amount of traffic, but needed a tool that would allow us to activate those visitors. Our goal was to provide customizable conversations that address our visitors’ different needs.”


The goal of increasing the conversion rate was tackled by adding bots that make it easier to get in touch with the Leadme team. Leadme uses our ChatBot as the core feature. The bot takes contact with website visitors in a way that’s always relevant and doesn’t feel repetitive.

Leadme is also experimenting with delightful InpageBots that guide visitors in specific parts of the site. Bots collect the same information as their contact form that is still in use, but they do it in a more engaging way and are accessible immediately when someone needs to get in touch.

“It was important for us to customize the bots and add a human touch to the conversations. We’ve made them look and feel nice and relevant for people coming from different sources.”


It took some optimization to find the most effective approach for Leadme’s bots, but after that the results have been solid to say the least:

  • 1-3 leads generated form the website every day

  • 36% conversion rate from discussion to qualified lead

  • 1 out of 3 leads turns into a paying customer

“After we got up to speed, returns on the investment have been great. Now we are getting more leads through bots than our lead gen forms. At the same time, we’re able to provide better service to our customers.”


After some hiccups in the beginning, collaboration has kicked into high gear and Leadme’s results are improving every month. Recurring bot optimization sessions have had a big impact on improving the bots and conversion rates.

“Susanna from Leadoo MT’s team has been great! It’s really valuable to have a true expert available at the other end, so we don’t need to figure everything out on our own. The service helps us get the most out of our investment.”

Leadoo is a good tool to use when the website is crucial in the lead generation process – it’s applicable to most businesses! The platform provides effective tools for increasing website conversion rates.”

Dennis Hedenskog, Co-founder & Marketing Director at Leadme

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