Qualifying and identifying leads to increase efficiency with Delamode
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Qualifying and identifying leads to increase efficiency with Delamode

Qualifying and identifying leads to increase efficiency

Freight forwarding, warehousing and logistics



Delamode UK, part of the Xpediator group, are providers of freight, warehousing and logistics services. The company offers expertise in road, air and sea freight management, fashion logistics, and eCommerce support services. 

Jade Ratoff, Marketing Executive for Xpediator Plc, gave us the lowdown on their Leadoo journey so far.

Identification of the problem 🔎

“We were looking for a solution that would help us to enhance the user experience of users visiting our website and requesting further information about our services. The only way a prospective customer could get in touch with us before we discovered Leadoo was via a general enquiry email form,” explains Jade, “We realised that an enquiry form was just not enough and that we needed to be qualifying and identifying leads we were getting through our website.”

Abbie Baisden, Senior Customer Success Manager for Leadoo, also weighs in: 

“When Delamode signed up and we sat down to discuss aims and objectives for their use of the platform, the main things they wanted to achieve were more B2B leads, driving prospects to their quoting system, qualifying and identifying leads and pushing customer service queries to the right teams,” she explains, “The solutions we then put in place also helped them to separate the jobs which weren’t within their remit – they’re a large freight company and offer large cargo movements only, so this allowed them to immediately remove any queries related to small shipments, saving their sales team time when working through the prospective leads.”

Solutions provided ✨

“Initially, we worked closely with Helen (Azoia – Onboarding Manager) who helped us set up the bots. We were then passed over to Abbie, where together we measured the leads we were getting via Leadoo, as well as trying different things out to see what worked best across the site. Abbie recommended some changes and helped us implement these; personalising the bots by adding imagery to make it more engaging for our customers, changing the placements of bots on our site, and editing the conversation pathways within the bots. She made it really easy for us.” smiles Jade. 

Abbie continues: “We provided a great array of solutions for Delamode. We created a really beautiful Visualbot contact form on the contact us page (see below), branded in Delamode livery, to engage prospects and offer a more visual and personalised experience. We also added InpageBots into each section, and these sit seamlessly within the content and are completely context-specific, meaning that customers reading about Air Freight, for example, will only be spoken to by the bot about Air Freight. This makes it much more likely that prospective clients will engage and leave their details, also known as a conversion.”

Identifying leads with Delamode blog VB image

These weren’t the only solutions implemented: “We also added in a chatbot specifically for the homepage, with relevant conversation pathways to direct the user when they first land where needed. They also have a chatbot on the Global section, which is a click-to-open bot,” explains Abbie, “These are best when you want to provide support but don’t want to be intrusive or cover content on the page, as chatbots often do. This can be a reason for low triggers on the bot, or a high bounce rate on the page, as some people find them irritating.”

In addition, Delamode also benefits from Conversion Insights, where they are able, amongst other things, to see which companies visit their pages, allowing their sales team to be proactive in their approach to different industries and companies.

Results 📈

“As soon as the first bots were live on the site, we could already see many leads landing in our inbox.” Jade explains. 

Delamode, with average traffic of approximately 6000 per month, is currently getting 65 leads via Leadoo a month, and 80% of those are quality, qualified leads. The other 20% were qualified as looking for services that Delamode doesn’t offer (such as the shipment size being too small or being located in the wrong region). 

In all, that’s just over a 1% hard conversion rate. Other customers, who aren’t ready to convert just yet, still are able to contact via the bots and leave their details as a soft conversion, such as when they’re looking for a quote:

“Over 50% of the contact which comes in via their homepage is made up of people asking for a quote, which was one of Delamode’s main aims in the beginning,” explains Abbie, “They also now have over 3000 new and unique visitors visiting their site month, for each of which they can see information on which country and companies people visit from, as well as other company data such as headcounts and annual revenue.”

Next steps ⏩

“From our end, we’re planning in the future to Implement a CRM system so we can send leads automatically to the right people within Delamode to speed up the sales process,” explains Jade, “We’re also planning to make better use of the awesome reporting features within Leadoo to feed back to the Sales Director on performance, and also to provide more metrics and data  in our marketing reports. ” Plenty to come in the pipeline for Delamode, then!

How have you found working with Leadoo? 💙

“The process of working with Leadoo has been great from the outset. The platform itself is really simple and easy to use. The service provided by the Conversion Experts is great, but the bots are super easy to build yourself anyway and the bot builder is super user-friendly,” Jade clarifies. 

“When onboarding, we discussed what our aims and goals were and they took the time to understand these, built the initial solutions and presented them back to us. They were of great quality when they were presented. We could then take the initial ideas and build upon them to make them super business-specific. We’re looking forward to continuing to work closely with Leadoo to continue to make our website as converting as possible, and to make the most of the reporting features which the platform provides. We are also in the process of adding the Leadoo bots to our Xpediator website.” concludes Jade.

Curious to know how we can help you qualify and identify leads, as well as improve your conversion rate? Get in touch or chat with us below👇

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