Increasing quality and quantity of leads with CloudCall

Increasing quality and quantity of leads with CloudCall

Increasing quality and quantity of leads




CloudCall is the intelligent phone system that integrates calls and chats directly into your CRM system. They are able to connect with a huge number of CRM platforms and offer value through integrations of systems to offer a better customer experience. 

They offer a huge range of tools for businesses to improve their customer service offering, including SMS and broadcast messaging, supervisory analysis with powerful insights, and in-call consent options. CloudCall have been working with Leadoo for just over a year, and we chatted with Ben Blance, Digital Marketing Specialist for CloudCall.

Identification of the problem 🔎

CloudCall’s primary goals when choosing a conversion platform were:

  1. Increase the number of better quality, qualified leads.
  2. To gain a greater oversight of who their customers are, how many users they have and what CRM system they use (these are qualifying criteria).
  3. CloudCall received quite a few questions from students and other non-sales related queries, and they wanted a way to be able to filter these out.

Leadoo was implemented just prior to Ben joining CloudCall, and he took over the relationship with Leadoo from the get go (his predecessor loved us so much and he took us with him to his new company too!).

“Initially we were looking at an automated chatbot that could capture leads – not so much for customer service, as much as for being able to capture, filter and qualify the prospects coming in,” explains Ben, “We changed our marketing strategy completely in line with this and decided that we needed to change the criteria for what we would consider a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL).” Now, CloudCall requires the visitor to have provided seven data points, including what CRM they are using, in order to become an MQL.

Solutions provided ✨

Abbie Baisden, Senior Customer Success Manager and CloudCall’s client contact, explains the solutions we have implemented for CloudCall:

“We worked really closely with CloudCall when creating their solutions as they wanted to make it such an integral part of their strategy and ensure they were qualifying leads according to their new, strict criteria,” explains Abbie, “And what was super interesting was that when we implemented this new, stricter criteria, we didn’t see the leads drop at all despite this being an expectation when implementing and testing a stricter set of qualifying criteria. This gives a nod to the quality of CloudCall’s traffic, and the highly converting nature of Leadoo’s solutions.”

The holistic nature of Leadoo’s platform is something Ben was on board with right away: 

“Something I do really like about the platform is that if a prospect begins filling out a contact form via a bot solution, it captures everything up to the exit point and emails it to the selected recipients – even though it isn’t an official MQL, these are still great to pass onto the sales team to follow up with,” Ben explains, “Other static forms don’t provide this functionality, and with Leadoo we can also see the drop off point, and can work with Abbie to optimise the conversation further to reduce drop off in the future.”

Abbie explains the solutions themselves: “For CloudCall, we made use mainly of InpageBots and ChatBots. We utilised Chatbots across the site, as these tend to be more general and take on a guiding role for customers navigating through the site. It also can direct them to the relevant pages of the site, where an InpageBot can take over for more specific guidance.”

The ChatBot serves an excellent purpose across CloudCall’s site; it allows them to provide support and capture leads on every page, as ChatBot can sit across every page non-intrusively sitting in the corner. They can be set to trigger upon scroll, where it will pop up automatically, or if you prefer, it can stay minimised until the visitor clicks on it. Either way, every action is recorded and available in the Conversion Insights dashboard.

“For our ChatBot, we kept it quite general, but the bot offers to take visitors to the relevant page according to their CRM system, where they can then interact with the InpageBot to be qualified and captured as a lead,” Abbie smiles, “At the time of interview we’ve got 4 bots live on CloudCall’s site – during the first 6 months we spent time trialling different types of bot, specifically looking for the right formula which would bring the best quality (rather than quantity of) leads, as this was the clients’ main objective in their brief.”

Results 📈

We view our client journeys with us as just that – a journey. We know our Onboarding Managers can create some awesome initial solutions for you, but the real creme de la creme is the continuing service provided by our Customer Success Managers. The CSMs are in charge of continually optimising your solutions, and helping you and your teams to better understand the results you’re achieving and how they can be improved.

“That’s why we were so happy with CloudCall’s initial results,” beams Abbie, “Within the first month of implementation, 10 demos were booked through the bots, leading to £25k of potential sales from their Leadoo leads. That’s without any optimisations, and without all the cool extra stuff that we’re planning on implementing and developing with CloudCall in the future!”

Ben reflects on the journey so far: “We’re a year into our time with Leadoo and we’re feeling so positive about the results of the bots, particularly as the quality of the leads is so high and matches up to our strict criteria. As we work with Abbie, we’ve also made the bots much more specific, which means our customers are getting a better experience too. We also no longer spend time filtering through spammy leads, as the bots do the legwork for us.”

“My favourite thing about the platform is probably the bot builder – it’s really intuitive and makes it easy to consider the process from a customers’ point of view,” smiles Ben, “The new Insights dashboard is immense, and the monthly report delivered to my inbox giving me headline stats on our conversion and performance is really helpful too.”

Keeping a close eye on your competitors is also important – but how do you know if they’re keeping an eye on you? Well, with Leadoo’s company and visitor identification, it’s all possible: “What’s really interesting with the profiles is being able to see when competitors have visited the page – what they’re looking at, how long they visit for, and how often. This gives us an idea of what they might be focusing on or doing next,” Ben explains.

Ben Blance increasing qualified leads

Next steps ⏩

“We’ve got more website updates to do, and it’s likely that we’ll implement more solutions, such as InpageBots, across other pages as this is currently working really well on the pages it sits on,” explains Ben, “I’d say that we are probably still under-utilising the platform in terms of what it can do in its entirety and we’re keen to make sure we make the most of all the features available, so we’ll be looking to Abbie to continue to work on our solutions to improve our conversion rate and continue to increase the number of quality leads we get coming through.”

Objectives met 🎯

To round off, let’s revisit what CloudCall had set out as their primary goals for whichever platform they chose:

1. Increase the number of better quality, qualified leads

✅ The platform immediately performed in the first month, and CloudCall’s leads are now qualified using strict criteria in order to ensure the quality of leads.

2. To gain a better oversight of who their customers are, how many users they have and what CRM system they use (these are qualifying criteria).

✅ They now have oversight of their visitors’ journeys, from the moment they land, to the moment they leave – as well as seeing who each individual or company is, and some information about them such as their name, contact details, company size and revenue. They can also see how each solution is performing down to conversation level to allow them to work with Abbie to continuously optimise for conversion with the best data available.

3. CloudCall received quite a few questions from students and other non-sales related queries, and they wanted a way to be able to filter these out.

✅ The bot solutions included qualifying criteria which these visitors were not able to meet, meaning that they didn’t become a lead – and instead were directed, where appropriate, to the relevant team.

A successful shop, we think.

If you want to see how Leadoo could help you improve the quality of your leads, get in touch with us today for a free demo of the platform and a discussion about how it could work for you. Or, chat to the bot below to get started 👇

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