Quadrupling Year-on-Year Conversion Rates at Sure Oak
Sure Oak Marketing Agency

Quadrupling Year-on-Year Conversion Rates at Sure Oak

Quadrupling Year-on-Year Conversion Rates at Sure Oak


Who are Sure Oak? 🌳

Sure Oak is a full service Digital Marketing Agency headquartered in Atlanta, GA. The company has a client base and staff spanning both the US and Europe. 

They specialize in a full suite of SEO, paid search, link building and content services, from proprietary research and strategy setting, to on-site and technical optimisation, to off-site and link building activity. Yet wIth such a specialized offering, they realized their website needed to help non-SEO experts better understand their services, and guide users along conversion journeys

Many businesses and even marketers know they need SEO support, but may not know what that involves on a technical or practical level. So since late 2021, Leadoo have been helping Sure Oak identify, activate, educate and nurture their website visitors. We sat down with Nick Fraunfelder, CEO at Sure Oak, and Abbie Baisden, their Leadoo Customer Success Lead, to discuss how this has helped more than 4x Conversion Rates on Sureoak.com.

How are Sure Oak using Leadoo’s bots & insights? 📊

Through a mix of Homepage chatbots to signpost visitors, and different in-page bots on service pages, Sure Oak provide value to users at different stages of their journeys with unique prompts. As mentioned, many of these are informational or educational in nature. For example, a common clickable prompt on service page bots is ‘How Would You Improve My X?’.

Sure Oak InPage Bot 2 Sure Oak Quadrupling Year-on-Year Conversion Rates at Sure Oak
An example of an InPage bot Sure Oak is using on their link building services page.

As Nick explains, “our team of SEO and content experts are incredibly skilled at what they do and we know how to drive people to our website, but modern buying journeys mean that many potential customers visit a website several times and research themselves before they even want to speak to a technical team.”

Leadoo’s focus on providing value to users and answering FAQs has led to a remarkable increase in onsite engagement rate over time. In 2022, the discussion rate with bots was 1.3%. From January – October 2023, it was 10 times higher at 13.3%

For Abbie from Leadoo, this progress has been achieved by collaboratively evolving the bot content over time: “initially Sure Oak didn’t want to radically change their site content or visitor journey, so early conversation paths tended to be high-traffic pages.”

“It’s been great to work with Hayley and the whole team at Sure Oak to gradually get more personalized bots on relevant service pages.

As you explore more of the linkbuilding or on-page SEO offering now, you’re likely to be greeted by bespoke prompts from relevant directors like Ralph – who can talk to you about these service areas with great credibility.”

Sure Oaks Leadoo InPage Bot Sure Oak Quadrupling Year-on-Year Conversion Rates at Sure Oak
Another InPage bot that Sure Oak are using on their SEO services page.

As more traffic engages with the site and the bots, Sure Oak are also able to more effectively follow-up on potential leads, thanks to Leadoo’s Company Identification feature. In two years of working together, Sure Oak have identified over 60,000 companies who have visited their site. This has become an invaluable source of data for outreaching and prospecting campaigns.

Commercial Outcomes Through Increased Conversions 💰

While increased engagement rate is great, what Leadoo is ultimately judged against is conversions and leads. 

For Sure Oak, total leads from the Leadoo bots are up 44% year-on-year. This only tells part of the story though, because the lead increase came in spite of a large decrease in overall site traffic, as they removed lower quality referral and affiliate traffic sources they had received historically. 

So in terms of overall conversion rate, Leadoo bots helped it jump from 0.50% in 2022, to 2.29% in 2023. A 358% Conversion Rate increase. This quantity over quality approach to both traffic and conversions, has put Sure Oak in an excellent position for online lead generation going forward.

As Nick explains, “we were surprised that a tool like Leadoo could have such an enormous impact on conversion rates. A 4x increase in a year is truly excellent to see. And as a business, we’re now in a much more streamlined position when it comes to our own digital presence and marketing. Site traffic is engaged, our website is qualifying and converting passive traffic for us, and our commercial team has better insights to actively outreach to interested prospects.”

How to Improve on Quadrupling Conversion Rates❓

With such a marked improvement in performance metrics, it might seem like there isn’t much more room to grow! But for Abbie, that simply isn’t the case. She notes that Sure Oak haven’t even utilized all of Leadoo’s features yet:

“The more personalized bots are working really well on service pages, but we’d love to roll even more out. There’s also a plethora of interactive bots typesquizzes, calculators, etc – that could be explored to enhance SEO-minded blogs or landing pages.”

While for Nick, the results to date mean better training and understanding of Leadoo within Sure Oak’s wider team is a must: “We’re excited to work more closely with Abbie and the Leadoo team on more hands-on training of the platform’s features. Not only for ourselves, but also potentially for our clients – who we know can benefit from the same kind of conversion rate and lead increases that we’ve seen.”

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