Hack: Thought leadership webinars to generate Sales Qualified Leads

Hack: Thought leadership webinars to generate Sales Qualified Leads

Lauren Pritchard
by Lauren
September 8, 2021

Hi! 👋 

I’m Santtu Kottila and I’m the CMO here at Leadoo Marketing Technologies. Our product is a (pretty cool) conversion platform designed especially to help companies turn more of their existing website traffic into leads and sales.

That right there 👇, that’s me. Just so we know each other!

Image from iOS webinar Hack: Thought leadership webinars to generate Sales Qualified Leads

Many B2B marketers run webinars as part of their marketing efforts, and we at Leadoo Marketing Technologies are no exception to this. In fact, we love webinars – we host at least 2 new business webinars every month, focusing on thought leadership in our field. We gain around 500 sign-ups to our events each month, too.

We don’t sell in these events – the aim is not to do so, but rather create quality content together with our guests. Probably because of this, our events are well-attended, people will turn up, and we’re really proud to say that those who have attended our events rate them at a 4.2 out of 5. Not bad at all.

But as all of you who’ve ever hosted a webinar know: it’s quite a bit of a leap to go from a simple *non-selling* thought leadership webinar, to a prospect becoming an SQL.

Fear not. We’ve come up with two hacks to do this, and although they are rather small things, and using these clever tactics, we were able to turn 15% of sign-ups immediately into Sales Qualified Leads – which in our case means that the prospect wants to meet with us.

So, our product Leadoo is a conversion platform that helps companies to turn existing website traffic into leads or sales. In our webinars we always focus around a certain topic like conversion optimisation, website performance development, online sales and all that other juicy sales and marketing stuff. All of these are topics that interest our buyer personas – but also topics our product can help them out with, too. Everyone’s a winner.


So, without further ado, let me introduce my top two hacks for making the most out of webinars;

1. Sign-ups are your friend

When you sign-up for a webinar, the heavy lifting part is always the eons you spend filling in your contact details on the event page. This is often done via a static contact form, which just collects the info – and that’s it. At Leadoo, that’s what we like to call an opportunity missed. We cleverly utilise a chatbot, stationed to collect all the information, as well as continue the conversation after having done so. 

After the prospect has signed up, we then use the information from the bot to offer the prospect a free consultation on the event topic with one of our Leadoo experts, who we know can stop the show once they’re in the door. It’s as easy as that. Turning that person from an MQL into an SQL is now just one button away, and the bot’s already done the hard work for you, putting the ball firmly in your court, so you can blow their mind with your impressive selling skills and perfect solutions. This one tiny action means that, on average, 5-10% of your sign-ups will turn into SQLs.

2. Keep an eye on engagement

We use a webinar tool which has built-in engagement tools to track levels of engagement from our participants. During the later stages of the webinar, we put out a question as to whether anyone needs more help and would like to address the topic in a free 1-2-1 call with our topic expert. 

Once again, this is a super convenient way for the attendee to ask for help, and for you to get them to listen to your team when they suggest a solution. This in-webinar conversion hack again, on average provides us with 5-10% new SQLs who are willing to chat with us.

Key takeaway

I hope you found these two top webinar tips useful and can see how they’re applicable to your webinars. What I’ve personally learned as I started using these hacks is that improving your results doesn’t mean you need to start something totally new. Instead, small tweaks in what you are already good at might be where the lowest hanging fruits are. Go get ‘em. 🍎

If you’d like to attend one of our events and see us in action, you can check out our Events page for all our upcoming event dates.

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