Life as a Leadooer: Helen Azoia

Life as a Leadooer: Helen Azoia

Lauren Pritchard
by Lauren
December 1, 2021

Helen Azoia is an Onboarding Manager here at Leadoo 💙 

Helen is one of our amazing conversion experts – there’s not much she doesn’t know about creating converting conversational content; and, she’s a bot building goddess. Helen works mainly with our UK-based clients and recently won an award at our annual Leadoo get together for providing excellent customer care to her clients. She took some time out from bot building and meeting with clients to sit down with us and tell us all about herself, her role, and what life is like working at Leadoo.

Who are you and what’s your role at Leadoo?

“I’m Helen Azoia and I’m the Onboarding Manager for the UK (and some other places, too!). It’s my job to set up our new clients for success. I make sure they’re in the best possible position to begin their journey with Leadoo by understanding their business and their customers as well as I can, and then creating their initial solutions, which are always bespoke based on their needs,” says Helen.

When did you join Leadoo? How did you end up here?

“I started in May 2020. I hail from a background in marketing within the hospitality industry. I worked with some cool places in the UK such as the Science Museum and for the National Trust, where I got to be involved in some pretty cool events,” Helen smiles. “But, I realised that I needed a change, I just didn’t know what change I wanted. At the time, I wanted to stay within marketing but wasn’t sure what exactly within the field of marketing I wanted to get my teeth into. Then, I stumbled across a Facebook advert for Leadoo, and ended up applying through one of the RecruitmentBots.”

“The process went something like this; I had an initial interview with Isatou, where she got a bit of an idea of who I am and what I’m like to work with. She then gave me a bot building task, where I had to prove that I understood the brief and the potential conversion points.  The next interview was feedback on the technical task and was conducted as a call with Mikael Da Costa (CEO at the time, now our lovely Head of Product),” Helen explains, “I also had the opportunity to have a chat with Abbie, who was doing the role at the time, to find out how she finds working for the company and within the role. It’s really important to do a vibe check!” 

“One thing I will say is that the interviews never felt like a grilling, which is quite unusual – but it was clear that as I was being interviewed, Leadoo places more importance on culture fit than explicit experience. And I think that’s probably why we have such a strong, positive and driven culture here.” smiles Helen.

What about the team you work with?

“I work most closely with Abbie & Isatou as we’re the UK-based Customer Success team,” explains Helen, “We have daily check-ins so that working remotely doesn’t feel isolated at all. I probably work the closest with Abbie, as once I have finished building the initial solutions with the client, we provide a smooth hand off to Abbie, who then manages the client’s solutions going forward. We make an effort to ensure this transition is gradual and super easy for the client. Sometimes I’ll pick up tasks from Sweden or from Isatou if I am able to help out.”

Helen Azoia Life as a Leadoo er blog image

What does a typical day in the life of Helen look like?

“Well,” Helen laughs, “I am NOT a morning person! I normally begin my day around 8am and then stay in bed… because I like my bed. My cat comes in, squeaks at me, has a quick cuddle and then squeaks at me to get up as he’s always hungry!”

We love Helen’s commitment to Leadoo, but we love her commitment to her beloved cat even more 💙

“Once the cat’s fed, I normally have a morning briefing with Abbie & Isatou at 8.45am (usually still in my pyjamas, which means camera off – I’m not ready for that level of interaction yet!). I normally use the 9-10am slot as some admin time, prepping for the day and any meetings with clients I have booked in. During the day, I meet with lots of different new clients who I’m working with to build bots, hold reviews and ensure their solutions are working for them in the way that they need,” Helen explains, “And then lunch, if it’s sunny, out in the garden. That is rare in England though!”

“I normally finish working at around 5pm, unless I’m really busy, and then I always try to go out and have a walk around the beautiful British countryside (if you’ve never been to the Chiltern Hills, I would thoroughly recommend it!). I also enjoy walking into my local town and visiting the small independent shops in the evening too.” Helen smiles. 

And lastly, can you summarise how you find working for Leadoo in no more than 2 sentences?

“I can try!” laughs Helen, “I feel valued and motivated here. I love working for an exciting scale up, being fully remote and having autonomy over my work. It makes me feel trusted. We have a really good work life balance, flexibility, fun trips abroad to to our other offices where we can collaborate with other teams. And probably the best bit is knowing I can use our solutions to make clients happy – and having so many lovely clients to work with.”

“I think that might have been more than two sentences, sorry!” Helen smiles as she dashes off to another client meeting.

If you’d like to see what opportunities we currently have available, check out our careers page.

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