Learn how to get more leads from your website

Learn how to get more leads from your website

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March 26, 2021

In this webinar we had the pleasure to have an easy going chat with one of our clients, Andy Parkin from Speed Screed ltd.

Topic is ambitious; how to get more leads from your website? 

We know it has been hard for sales and marketing people to come up with new tricks one after the other. We know it has been hard to make sure new business keeps flowing in even when the world seems to be a hot mess.

We might not be able to solve how the world is right now but we can help with the lead from website -part.

How much is the average conversion rate from a website?

1-2%. It is minimal compared to the effort easily gets put in to driving traffic. There might be some relative peaks with more traffic -> more conversions, but definitely not as much as you would want to see.

It is also noteworthy that in most cases it can be also very tricky to know what the visitor has done prior to converting. When you have that information optimizing the buyer journey can be a lot easier and help with increasing conversions.

Before having Leadoo, Andy told that they got a steady stream of maximum 10 inbound leads per week. They did Google Ads and other paid media, and this is where they were with the lead number.

After Leadoo it is on average 35 per week, and they did no changes to the ad spend or other traffic driving actions.

How to be personal without being there in person?

Speed Screed had tried this 7-days-per-week live chat before and understandably had some reservations for a solution which would be more automatic.

In the past, Speed Screed paid its chat provider by the lead. With Leadoo bots, they can generate as many leads as possible at a fixed monthly fee. This essentially de-restricts the ROI for Speed Screed.

With Leadoo SpeedScreed is also giving more options for conversion, and they can then serve the customers personally when they have the personal contact with them.

Leadoo solutions on Speed Screed’s site help the website visitor to get the information they are looking for, to build trust with Speed Screed and serve them 24/7, every day of the year.

We are not excluding other ways of contacting

Paraphrasing what Andy said: “Things that worked ten years ago, are not the things that work now”. 

That is true. But there will always be people, who want to pick up the phone and call you. There will always be people who are willing to fill in the form. They can have that. But what about the people who don’t want to call or fill in a form? We need to reach them too, and with Leadoo it is possible. 

This is where the magic really is: give the people the ways of converting that they can use easily and with what they can already get additional value, such as more information in this one interaction.

Check out the webinar! Maybe it would be a time now to make sure all of your visitors have a way of converting on your site, as well?

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