New release: Leadoo Sales

New release: Leadoo Sales

Lauren Pritchard
by Lauren
October 3, 2022

Leadoo’s mission has, since its inception, been to boost website conversions and today we empower over 1000 websites all around the globe to do just that. We believe that companies are leaving money on the table by only focusing on driving traffic to their website, while 98% of the visitors they drive there don’t actually convert to leads. What a waste.

But, no more; Leadoo’s conversion platform helps companies increase their conversions by offering a superior website experience: one that’s more personalised, more interactive and more conversational. For today’s buyers, the experience they receive is crucial as they increasingly expect more immediacy and personalisation from the websites they visit. If you are not able to keep them engaged and address their needs quickly and effectively, they will simply move on.

To convert website visits to sales is the end goal for every company website. Identifying which companies have visited your website is useful but being able to act on that information in real-time is invaluable. Today, Leadoo is releasing something that will make real-time interaction possible for the first time.

Still, so often we see marketing and sales working totally separately, not being able to utilise the data the other team produces. This means that salespeople can’t easily focus their efforts on the prospects that are clearly signalling buying intent, and we all know what wrong focus means: money spent on things that don’t generate revenue.

We wanted to change this, and this is why we created Leadoo Sales Alerts.

Blog Sales Alerts 01 Leadoo Sales Alerts New release: Leadoo Sales

Why use Leadoo Sales Alerts?

We’re here for one thing: to help you make your website your best-performing sales channel. This means also empowering your sales teams with relevant real-time information when a prospect from their pipeline is visiting your website so they can take action.

When your salespeople are being personally notified of every relevant pipeline prospect visiting your website, they’ll be able to focus on serving the prospects in a timely manner, and in a way that suits the prospect, and your team, the best.

But it’s not just the website visits that Leadoo Sales can track; it’s also the website actions and buying signals of your visitors. This information is also sent over to your salespeople, enabling them to take the correct, personalised action, at the right time.

And, of course, Leadoo Sales comes with calendar integration, meaning you can engage your prospects in meaningful, personalised conversations to encourage them to convert – and then when they want to do so, make it really easy for them to book a time to meet directly onto your calendar.

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Automations and focus

Leadoo Sales comes with extensive opportunities to create these real-time alerts. You’re able to use the tool to set different rules by which these alerts will be sent.

If one salesperson is extremely gifted in turning the early-stage prospects into buying-ready “just need your name here”-prospects, create a rule set that will alert this person when these specific type of prospects visit the page.

If another salesperson is the ultimate closer, make sure to alert them whenever a near-closing stage prospect is visiting your website, so they can jump on it and close the deal down.

By doing this you can ensure your sales teams use their time where it truly matters the most. And focus usually means better results. And what does better results mean in sales? More revenue, and more commission for your team. Everybody’s happy.

Sales Alerts Leadoo Sales Alerts New release: Leadoo Sales

Get your hands on Leadoo Sales Alerts 🙌

Are you ready to go from website visitors to converted customers? Are you ready to empower your salespeople with real-time alerts and let them focus on what truly matters the most when considering revenue generation? Are you ready to turn your website into your best-performing sales channel?

If you answered yes to even one of the above, Leadoo Sales Alerts is about to become a game changer for you.

And how do you get your hands on it? Spark a conversation below and we’ll take it from there 😉

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