What is reverse IP lookup & how does it affect B2B prospecting

What is reverse IP lookup & how does it affect B2B prospecting

July 15, 2020

What is Reverse IP

What is reverse IP lookup?

Whenever you visit a website, what happens under the hood is that your web browser calls the website’s server and asks for the page. Much like caller ID on a phone, the website then knows where you’re calling from. On the internet, we don’t call with a phone number but instead with an IP address. The website (or server to be more exact) can look up the owner of the IP address either by using public registers or private IP address databases.

It’s quite a simple yet clever way of knowing where in the world your visitors come from. In addition, in the case of B2B sales, it means that you can see which business owns the IP address of the user, so you’ll be able to find out what companies have visited your site.

Because many have seen this as a lucrative opportunity there are more than enough different IP lookup services online, ranging from free ones to private professional databases, such as Clearbit, Albacross, Lead Forensics or Leadfeeder. The challenge however with these is that too often knowing that somebody from Coca Cola or BMW has visited your site isn’t as valuable as you’d first anticipated.

How Leadoo gets the most from IP information

Leadoo changes the game. The Leadoo platform combines data from Clearbit’s huge register of IP to company names, industries, turnovers together with behavioral data on the website across sessions as well as demographic data gathered from bot discussions.

With Leadoo you’ll know that 14 people from Coca Cola have visited you in the past week, five of whom have viewed your pricing page, three have talked to your bot about using your product in manufacturing and one who has left their name and email address. This is hugely more valuable than just knowing the company’s firmographics (think Leadfeeder), just behavioral data (think Hubspot) or just knowing the person’s email address (think Drift bots).

Your B2B sales team will get prospects that they can filter and prioritize based on company industry, size and areas of interest, as well as immediately having the contact information for the right people.

How does this work?

Setting it up is really straight forward. You’ll set up the Leadoo tracking codes on your website, integrate them with your GDPR popup for compliance (just like for Google Analytics) and add bots to strategic places for helping understand customers’ needs. The really great thing is that we’ll do most of the heavy lifting for you. We want you to succeed so we help make that happen.

Then just wait for leads to pop up inside the Leadoo platform or directly into your CRM or marketing automation system – whichever way you like it. On average you’ll get 30-70% more identified leads with Leadoo but on top of that, you’ll know exactly which companies they’re coming from.

And finally, if that wasn’t enough to get you excited, you’ll be able to send your retargeting ads to groups of people in the industries and interests e.g. in Google Analytics automatically.

Sound good? Want to know more?
Sign up for a private demo from the bot below ;

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