Engage Visitors To Increase the Amount of Inbound Leads by +33%

Engage Visitors To Increase the Amount of Inbound Leads by +33%

Case Ark Curriculum: Engage Visitors & Increase Inbound Leads By +33%

Ark Curriculum Plus is a non-profit organisation, dedicated to transforming education in the UK.



Ark Curriculum Plus is a non-profit organisation, dedicated to transforming education in the UK. They offer mathematics and English mastery education services both in primary and secondary schools.


Ark Curriculum Plus were looking for a way to engage people visiting their website. They offer different kinds of programmes that can be utilised online, on-site or as a hybrid solution. Visitors were having problems understanding the offering on their own so the need for a two-way communication method became apparent.

In addition they wanted to capture more leads from their existing website traffic.

In 2022, they merged 2 products – two websites, and Leadoo were involved in the process of putting that together. Abbie Baisden, Customer Success Team Lead for the UK Market, weighs in on the case:

“On top of what they were working on previously – English and Mathematics mastery – they then were able to recently add Science mastery to the website with no delays, could provide the option to their visitors to pre-register and get updates, were able to create a soft launch on their website, and capture the audience who were interested but also looking at other products. By doing it this way round in alignment with the redevelopment of the websites, it meant we could build the bots in advance and it was ready to just be switched on as soon as the product was ready,” smiles Abbie.

“Because we worked with them on the previous ones, we could build the solutions without even seeing the web page.”


Ark Curriculum Plus introduced Leadoo to provide 24/7 conversations to their website visitors in order to help them better understand the possibilities, the differences between the service models and to capture more leads.

Leadoo bots were created to have conversations with the visitors and to guide people in the right direction and to collect visitor’s information.

The data collected through Leadoo bots was also useful as a way to collect information about the needs and wants of the visitors and was later used for product development related to development initiatives sparked by the covid-19 pandemic.

Abbie comments on recent changes to the solutions provided to Ark, as their needs changed:

“We altered the structure of the homepage bot – it’s now purely navigational to help visitors find the course they want to look at, whereas before it was focused on lead generation. We realised when looking at the analytics that it would make more sense for Ark’s customers and their typical journey on the website to use this tool to help them navigate.”

“Previously we used one bot across different pages, where you could select the different courses, but we felt we could do better – so we decided to make individual bots for the different subjects. This was because we realised that the main ICP – teachers – tend to only look for one subject (as they tend to only teach one, or two max). Now, we can see who they are and provide the most suitable sections of the site for them to use, speeding up the time to conversion.”

On the older site, there was a mix of Inpagebots and Chatbots, with a focus mainly on chatbots because they’re easy to change on our side as courses and offerings change (we manage all the changes for them, as they don’t have time to do this themselves and it’s what our team are here for!), as they have so many new pages all the time. This means we can easily create new bots for new pages based on the previous bots we have on others and then tailor those to the individual subjects. It works well!” 

“When we handled the relaunch, the bots got completely refreshed. I think once Ark had used the platform for a while at their end, they understood more about what Leadoo could potentially do for them and worked closely with us to ensure their site was optimised completely for conversions at every turn. Now they’re rockin’!” laughs Abbie.


Leadoo has increased the amount of inbound leads by +33% and the quality of leads is on a good level. Ark Curriculum Plus have been able to reach a steady level of around 10 leads per week.

“We’ve been able to reach a steady amount of leads. Leadoo has increased the amount of leads we get by +33% which I consider a really good result. And the leads coming in are the right kind of people.” 
Jade Sewell, Head of Partnerships at Ark Curriculum Plus

In the last 3 months (Jun-Aug 2022), Ark Curriculum has seen a 24% increase in leads compared to the same period last year. 

During the site merger, Leadoo worked closely with Ark to ensure traffic was still at a good level, and to make sure visitors knew that the sites had been merged. We had bots on both sites originally, so we were able to see leads on both sides and optimised the bots using this knowledge once the site merge was complete. 

It also meant we were able to analyse data from two sites instead of one, and as a result of our findings and implementing new solutions, the conversion rate has increased by 47%. Traffic went down considerably, but leads increased significantly. The level of traffic when the site merged was 19% lower but leads increased by 47% in Q1. 


It’s not just the leads that Ark Curriculum Plus values. The overall customer experience is important aswell.

“We needed a new form of engagement with our website visitors. The bots channel visitors towards the right direction.”

“The folks at Leadoo have been really flexible and helpful. Onboarding was smooth and easy and really straight-forward. We didn’t really need to do much.”

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