Chatbots are the new Contact Forms

Chatbots are the new Contact Forms

June 26, 2020

Leadoo new way

Imagine you’re browsing some website, you find some content about an interesting new tool you could probably utilize in your own business. You find some more information, but just not everything and some questions pop into your head, you’re eager to see the tool with your own eyes and maybe even test it! Then you find a place to register for a demo and BANG! 11 mandatory fields long form to fill out.đŸ˜± Nobody has time for this, right? Thanks, bye.

Yep,  just the thought is giving me goosebumps *grrr*

We all know how much we hate forms. And brace yourself, the industry average is a form with 11 required fields! Yes, eleven! I don’t know about you, but at least I would go nowhere near the end of that form.

But contact forms are a traditional part of online experiences, so they are indeed expected even though they still aren’t liked. How can we solve this dilemma?

Introducing lead generation bots

Bots have been around for a long time, and while you can find them used in many different ways and forms, the one we are the most interested in, is the one that drives in leads, hence more sales.

Conversational bots are where it all began for Leadoo. We realized that companies pour massive amounts of money into attracting traffic to their website, but fail to convert that traffic into leads and eventually customers. With a set of multifunctional bots, we want to help companies convert more from their existing website traffic. Bots achieve this by bringing engaging and relevant conversations to the site – in the right place and at the right time.

The magic of all this is that not only you will significantly increase your websites user experience, but we have seen on average across more than our 6500+ bots we were able to increase leads & sales between 30-70%. 

If you wish to read more about Leadoo Bots, click here. 

How to utilize bots – Most common replacement spots for bots:

  • Contact Us 

“Contact Us” forms are most likely among the longest form on your site, and for a good reason – you want to capture why they are requesting to be contacted. So instead of having all the required fields separately one after the other (First name, Last name, Email, Company, Phone, Address, Message, etc.) why not greeting your user and save you some time by segmenting them directly with a question such as: “Are you mostly interested in service A, service B, service C” .
Doing so, you are actually able to retarget in the unlikely event, where they will drop out from the conversation, this shouldn’t happen if you build your bot correctly. 😊

(đŸ€«Psst: At Leadoo our service is included in all our paid plans, meaning that you actually get a content  marketing expert to write your bot’s conversations for you and to optimize them regularly.)

  •  Request a demo

Similar to the previous one, this is one of our most important CTA for Marketers. Your sales team love meter will highly depend on the number of qualified leads we are able to send them. End the stress, and shorten your sales cycle by using Bots. You will be able to qualify your leads on the spot while they are browsing your website and not filtering them in your inbox later on.

  • Ebook / white paper

Gated content is used to generate leads by providing your audience with valuable information in exchange for their contact details such as their name, email address, industry, title, etc. You can easily do so, for example through our InpageBot, here is an example. Doing so, your audience will thank you for making it effortless for them to download their chosen piece of content. (I personally give up, when I need to type all my contact details to then receive an email with the specific piece of content!)

  • Case Study

A marketing case study allows you to illustrate and explain how you achieved success in a specific situation. Sometimes you will want to offer a case study in exchange for the contact details of your audience. Instead of providing them with a contact form, start engaging a conversation around your case study to trigger their interest even more, and ask their contact details one after the other to reduce the friction and mental load to a minimum. Always keep in mind that we want to avoid at all cost our users to feel that this is too much work to fill out a form compared to the value gained through your content.

  • Event signup

People love to learn, and events are an excellent way to share your wisdom with an eagerly asking audience. Combined with an effective social promotion campaign, webinars are a great way to increase traffic to your website.

You can use Leadoo integration to create a webinar sign up page, here is an example. 

Still not convinced? Just give it a roll below and book a demo if you like 😉

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