Introducing Leadoo 3.0

Introducing Leadoo 3.0

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January 5, 2024
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Leadoo 3.0 is here in time for the new year, bringing with it a tonne of changes. You might’ve noticed some of the more obvious things already (like the overhaul of our dashboard for instance… 👇)

dasher Leadoo 3.0 Introducing Leadoo 3.0

However, our tech team has been hard at work under the hood to deliver some fantastic changes. Everything from delivering performance tweaks, to new design templates, to truly groundbreaking feature additions like Leadoo AI.

So without further ado, let’s dive into what’s changed, and more importantly, how it benefits you!

Leadoo AI 🤖

Introducing Leadoo AI, probably one of the biggest product updates we’ve had in a while and it’s a complete game changer.

What is Leadoo AI? 🤖

Leadoo AI harnesses the power of AI technology and Large Language Models to help you drive more conversions and give answers to visitors in real-time as they navigate your website. 

Feed our AI Knowledge Bases specific pieces of content or information (whether it’s a PDF, a single page or an entire website.) Leadoo AI will then digest this content and then use it to answer questions in real time, anywhere on your website.

Avoid controversial or irrelevant conversations too by setting specific guardrails. Tell Leadoo AI what it can and can’t comment on, what tone of voice to use throughout the conversation and if it should prioritize certain topics or links in its responses.

Leadoo AI is the next generation of conversational marketing and it’s here to stay. Learn more about Leadoo AI by clicking this link.

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Why AI?

In contrast to the traditional chatbots you might currently see on the market, Leadoo AI helps you offer your site visitors an unparalleled on-site experience by expanding on much more than a generic, hard-coded answer.

It’s easy to forget that most site visitors aren’t ready to buy straight away… In fact, the average conversion rate across most websites is around 2%, meaning that the other 98% will leave without doing anything at all. Learn more about Traffic vs Conversions

Therefore, it’s wrong to assume that many visitors are happy to book a demo/consultation straight off the bat! Especially for a product or solution that they’re not sure is right for them.

Especially if your product offering is complex. It can be a real struggle to get your site visitors to the right destination!

That’s where Leadoo AI steps in. 

Imagine your site visitor wants to ask a particular question and explore your product offering in a way that suits them. Leadoo AI automatically adapts the conversation to meet their needs, and even signposts them to relevant content or call to actions. Crucially, solely based on the content you give to our Knowledge Bases. Therefore bringing a level of fluidity that traditional chatbot tools simply can’t offer.

Research has shown customers expect a chatbot to respond within 5 seconds. So offering that on-demand yet detailed interaction gives you the cutting edge above competitors who aren’t harnessing the true power of modern technology like Leadoo AI
If you haven’t already, check out the vast range of tools Leadoo offers that can help you turn your website into your best performing sales channel using unmatched levels of personalization.

Check out all the other tools we have to offer in our Conversion Kit by clicking this link.

New – Hand Crafted Animations & Interactions 💬

Leadoo 3.0 brings a batch of new designs and implementations to the table to make our bots look and feel more dynamic than their previous iterations. 

3.0 designs bring more modernity into our product, adding a variety of hand-crafted animations into our already engaging conversion tools. Making interactions with our InPage, Chat or Visual bots feel smoother and more enticing.

Old to New Chatbot 2 Leadoo 3.0 Introducing Leadoo 3.0

Mobile-First Chat Bot 📱

Thanks to 3.0, Chatbots have been updated to look much more like a mobile app when triggered, taking up the whole screen when opened.

Thanks to this development, the interaction with a Chatbot on mobile is now more immersive, providing your site visitors with a more comfortable experience.

Mobile First 2 Leadoo 3.0 Introducing Leadoo 3.0

Dedicated Bot Styles

Similar to how the CTA and Visual Bots already worked, InPage & Chat Bots now have their own dedicated styles that are compiled separately to the bots.

The addition of dedicated styles also awards better performance considering the bot scripts are now smaller than they used to be, and are less technically complex compared with 2.0.

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Technical Stuff🔧

Keep in mind that many of the additions below aren’t immediately noticeable for most users. They are, however, improvements to our core technology to make Leadoo faster & more efficient! ⚡

Optimised Style Rendering (CSS)

With Leadoo 3.0, increasing bot performance was a big priority. To minimise impacts to site speed, Leadoo bots will now be rendered individually in the background and not just when the bot is being interacted with.

Segmented Bot Functionality

In addition to the other techy-stuff we’ve been working on, we’ve now broken the code behind our bots up into several segments. It isn’t immediately noticeable for smaller bots due to the size, but for more advanced bots, loading times are significantly quicker! 👟

Reactive UI

Before Leadoo 3.0, only Visual & CTA bots had what we call Reactive UIs. The introduction of “Reactive UIs” means that we can create rich interfaces with live information so bots feel more like applications rather than old-fashioned web page widgets.

Again, this isn’t immediately measurable by the end user but gives our tech team more accessibility when it comes to updating Leadoo in the future. 

Overhauled Bot Logic Processor

Another update that isn’t directly measurable by end users or site visitors once again. The logic processing of our old 2.0 bots were aging poorly, so we decided to completely overhaul and rebuild the bot logic backend.

The new system we’ve put in place allows you to build more complex bot flows and gives our developers what they need to bring more fantastic updates to the table.

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