Life as a Leadooer: Isatou Jeng

Life as a Leadooer: Isatou Jeng

Lauren Pritchard
by Lauren
November 15, 2021

Isatou Jeng is the Director of Customer Success here at Leadoo 💙 

There’s nothing she doesn’t know about increasing conversions, upping sales and keeping our clients, and their customers, happy. She’s in charge of a pretty big team of conversion wizards and optimising experts, and she’s here to tell us all about herself, her role and what life is like working at Leadoo.

Who are you and what’s your role?

“I’m Isatou Jeng, Director of Customer Success here at Leadoo Marketing Technologies and based out of the Finland office. My role involves taking care of the Leadoo client pool and making sure they are all satisfied with our product, and that they’re all using the platform to the fullest,” explains Isatou, “I do this through overseeing the onboarding (OB) and customer success (CS) processes in operations, and by helping the team to deliver everything as promised during the customer life cycle,” she finishes.

What does your team look like?

“I’m responsible for both the Customer Success teams and the Onboarding teams across all our countries – Finland, The UK and Sweden,” explains Isatou, “Both teams are responsible for ensuring client satisfaction and making sure every customers’ journey with Leadoo is as smooth as possible.”

“Within the teams we have conversion specialists; they are the people producing converting dialogues,” Isatou continues, “We also have Onboarding Managers, who are project leaders and make sure we have a short time-to-value and that the project milestones are being met. They then hand off to the Customer Success team, who takes care of the client forevermore, meeting with them regularly throughout the annual life cycle to continually optimise their solutions,” she finishes.

When did you start, and how did you find your way to Leadoo?

“Well, I started just over two years ago. Before this, I had met Mikael and Kira (our co-founders) through a personal connection in December 2018, about 9 months before I started at Leadoo,” Isatou explains, “It meant I got to see Leadoo grow from its infancy and got to see how well the product resonates with clients. In the beginning, Mikael was the one who tempted me to move over to the Leadoo side and it was summer 2019 before I actually started with the company,”

Isatou was keen to get stuck in though – “I came to the office a few times during the summer, built my first bot and got to know the product really well prior to beginning working officially for Leadoo,” she continues, “Originally, I took on the role of Customer Success Specialist, with a view to move into the directorship once I had trained up on the product and our clients. That was in October 2019, and I’ve been here ever since!” Isatou laughs.

Isatou shares a funny moment from when she began working for Leadoo, “One of my first tasks when I started was to begin by building some bots. At the time, there was only one UI (this means one user interface for all the bots on our system) for them and so I decided to play around with it and turn my bot’s UI pink. Obviously I wasn’t completely clued up on the whole system at that point so I accidentally turned all the bots on Leadoo.com pink, rather than just the ones I had built! Luckily, Mikael noticed it (thought only in the evening) and reverted it back to the original UI,” she chuckles.

“When I first started, my onboarding process was led by Kira and Susu (our Head of Product), and mainly consisted of being thrown in the deep end – straight into using the back end, attending client meetings, learning and understand the onboarding process and customer success activities, as well as understanding client life cycles and, from there, then actually trying to understand how this process should be led,” explains Isatou.

Isatou Life as a Leadooer blog image

What does a typical day in the life of Isatou look like?

“I’m an early riser, and usually I’ll wake up and start getting ready for work. I always make sure I drink water at home before I leave – I’m not one for eating straight away! But then, as soon as I get to the office, I usually have breakfast (little secret about me – I have my own berries in the freezer and I always add them in),” Isatou explains, “Once I’m fed, watered and settled in, the meetings begin around 9am. It varies, but these are normally back to back meetings all day, switching between recruitment, internal development meetings, for example; product meetings, reviewing KPIs, Customer Success developments, or new software implementations. And at the moment, recruitment is taking up a lot of my time as we’re growing fast and so I have lots of interviews to do and lots of lovely potential new Leadooers to meet!” she concludes. 

If you’re in the market for a new role, check out our careers page, where you can see all of our current vacancies. If you don’t see something to suit, then make sure you check back often as we’re growing fast, and we’re going to need brainy, creative people like you to help us keep going 🚀

Isatou continues, “At 11am every day, I have a check in with the UK team. Once this is finished, it’s back to meetings and these could be client meetings with my customers. I am in charge of looking after key accounts in particular, and so lots of my time is dedicated to meeting with them. I am quite bad for eating my lunch whilst working – unless I have planned a lunch date with another Leadooer, which has been known to happen!”

“When I have a free slot, I then turn to Slack to make sure I touch base with the other teams. I also find regular time in the day to check my emails as that’s the main channel my accounts use to contact me. This could be for technical help, assisting with using the platform, scheduling monthly or quarterly meetings, any bugs or issues and user questions and invoicing queries,” she explains. 

“Usually, I leave the office about 5pm but once I’ve got home and had an *all-important* snack, I usually exercise between 7 and 8pm. This consists mostly of running, going to the gym, playing padel or HIIT sessions” Isatou explains, “Then, when I get in, I unwind with another discussion about my day with Sami (Osterberg) – living and breathing Leadoo. It’s a bad habit, but normally I also can’t resist another peek at my laptop when Slack and emails are quiet and it’s a moment of uninterrupted focus.”

Which aspects of your job do you enjoy the most?

“I love my team.” Isatou responds without a second thought, “Working with the full team, understanding how things are going from their perspective and how working with the platform is for them – those are precious moments because you can learn so much.” 

Although our goals are most easily met through the team being successful – and I support that in my role – I absolutely love being in client meetings. Especially now when we have the new booking node and new exciting products coming through all the time, it means we spend a good portion of our time creating new, unique use cases with clients – they usually have great ideas or challenges which our technology can cater for. They might not know how to solve the issue or create the idea in practice and that’s where we step in with the platform and our specialist expertise. We’ve built some really cool solutions for our clients, which you can check out on the Case Studies section of our site.”

“Lastly, I love working for a scale-up; we’re all learning and growing together at the same time. Most of the time, although we are working hard, it’s super rewarding because working within a scale-up means that you are able to have a big impact, even as an individual. Everyone works together to meet our goals, and it keeps us on our toes and means we get to always learn from each other and continue to develop to be the best that we can be.” 

And, if you could summarise working for Leadoo in two sentences, what would you say?

“Working at Leadoo, I get a sense of mission and adventure, which is great! I’m always learning a lot, and you could even say it’s a bit like building a rocket whilst you’re flying it!” Isatou laughs. 🚀

If you’d like to see what opportunities we currently have available, check out our careers page.

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