You've spent hour after hour on website creation and content, but you just can't get visitors to stick around - and your bounce rate keeps increasing. Sound familiar? It’s not surprising; the average time people… Continue Reading
Shorten your sales cycle with buying signals Sales cycles are long, but it doesn't have to be like this. As said, sales cycles tend to get long and for the most part, your salespeople are… Continue Reading
Turn your website insights into sales-qualified leads Your sales team would benefit from using your website insights. Many companies struggle with silos and data accessibility. Sales have their own software, marketing have their own, and… Continue Reading
Better website engagement with hyper-personalisation A tad of personalisation isn't enough, your customers expect (and deserve) even more. Improving the customer experience has truly taken the driver's seat within marketing. Customers are expecting even more… Continue Reading
AB-testing for website optimisation Meaningful AB-testing doesn't have to be difficult. AB-testing isn't about just changing button colors or running meaningless tests with little to no traffic, only seeing the slightest differences. Meaningful AB-tests go… Continue Reading
Wouldn't it be nice if someone answered your frequently asked questions, booked meetings, accepted job applications, and told potential customers about the benefits of your product or service? And did so in your stead, even… Continue Reading
Before you start working with Leadoo you’ll discuss with your Account Executive what type of integration you may need. We offer 2 levels of integrationSimple IntegrationComplex integrationBut, how do you know the difference and which one should you choose? Here’s a brief idea.A simple integration includes:Connection to common CRM systems e.g. Hubspot, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics etc.Standard contact information - name, email… Continue Reading
Leadoo is fully integrated to Google Tag Manager, meaning that custom events can be triggered for every interaction any visitor does with Leadoo chatbots. Here's how to implement Google Tag Manager to work with Leadoo.1. Add your Google Tag Manager container ID to your Leadoo admin panelGo to Conversion Kit -> General bot settings -> Advanced*In most cases you can… Continue Reading
Let's talk about money Getting more conversions doesn't get cheaper than this. All this and the service too! We’re not going to sell you the platform and vanish. We’re here to help you every step of the way to ensure you get the maximum results from your Leadoo platform📈 We define our success by the success of our customers and… Continue Reading
Leadoo pricing Ready to invest in better results? Leadoo free products We're so passionate about providing value to marketers, that we offer a taste of Leadoo on the house. Completely Free You can now sample… Continue Reading
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