Chatbot platform vs Conversion platform

Chatbot platform vs Conversion platform

Lauren Pritchard
by Lauren
November 15, 2021

Shout it from the rooftops: We’re a conversion platform.

Yes, you heard me correctly – despite the fact that a huge number of our tools are based around bots that chat to you, this is not our MO. We’re a conversion platform. That means our platform exists for the sole purpose of getting you more conversions via your site.

Confused? Don’t be. We’re going to discuss some different scenarios where you might need to make use of chatbots, so you can see the differences between chatbot platforms and us – conversion platforms.

In the red corner: Chatbot platforms

The red corner is a pretty big space. There’s some large players hanging out over there (think Drift, Hubspot, Intercom), as well as a few up-and-coming that offer a rehash of the same sort of thing. A chatbot platform is one that allows you to put chatbots on your site. A chatbot is one that pops up from the bottom right hand corner of the window you have open. Most websites nowadays have some form of automated conversation, even if it’s just to gather basic details prior to a live chat conversation. 

If you don’t have any form of chatbot on your site, you can watch this short video on whether you need a chatbot or not to help you make a decision. Chatbots can be relatively cheap – some providers offer them for as little as £5 a month – however, as with most things you get what you pay for, and this means that the cheap solutions tend to be limited in capability.

On the whole, chatbot platforms offer a range of features; from conversation builders to Live Chat integration and many things in between.

In the blue corner: Conversion platforms

Enter the dragon. A bit like Tyson Fury, we can deliver more punches a round than you’ve had hot dinners. By punches, we mean conversions though, obvs

There’s not much else in our space right now (kinda lucky cos we’re a bit of a space-hogger), and that’s because rather than focusing on the chatbots themselves, we focused on the end goal; converting those visitors. On a conversion platform, you have a set of different tools that allow you to meet your conversion goals.

What is a conversion platform anyway?

At the moment, it’s just us. Our platform is made up of three main elements:

⚒️ Conversion Kit

🔍 Conversion Insights

🤓 Conversion Experts

Conversion Kit

This is the bit that gets everyone confused – our Conversion Kit contains an array of bots. But they’re not just any old chatbots – we have different solutions for the different situations you might need: InpageBot is designed to slide seamlessly into your content, so sneaky that nobody even notices it’s a chatbot, but always in the right place at the right time nonetheless; Chatbot, in the traditional format you know and love but with better capabilities; VisualBot, for when you want to include visuals as part of your bot (we’ve had customers use these as personal shoppers – very cool!); as well as SmartForms, LiveChat capabilities, Callback CTA, and the newest addition to our kit – the Leadoo Sales Assistant.

Leadoo Conversion Kit Chatbot InpageBot VisualBot tools

Conversion Insights

Conversion insights gives you all the information you need to be able to improve your conversion rate. You can use Conversation Analysis to check how your tools are performing (by looking at triggers, conversations and drop offs), as well as heat mapping so you can see at a glance which conversation paths work, and which ones don’t. This means you can (with the help of our Conversion Experts, if needed!) test out different phrases and pathways to see what works best for your customers and your business.

Conversion Experts

As the famous song goes, you’ll never walk alone. But not in a creepy way – from the time you sign on the dotted line until, well, forever, our experts are there at every stage of the process to help you set up your solutions and then regularly optimise them. Our experts are just that – experts in conversion, who’ve helped tons of our lovely clients to increase their conversion rate. Our team consists of Onboarding Managers, who look after you during the first month or two of your Leadoo journey. Once you’re all set up and happy with your base solutions, your Onboarding Manager will introduce you to your Customer Success Manager, who is responsible for providing support and working with you to continuously optimise your solutions (and so continually improve your conversion rate!).

How do I know whether I need a chatbot platform or a conversion platform?

It can be difficult to know whether it’s better to invest into a solely chatbot focused platform, or whether to branch out and try to focus on broader things. The simple answer to this is: where is your focus? If your focus is not to make more sales via conversions, then a chatbot platform will do you just fine. If your site is purely informational and not for anything else, also fine. But if you are trying to gain more sales, then the best way to do this is to focus on conversion. 

Still not convinced? We’ve put together a couple of different scenarios which we commonly see when we first onboard our customers which we’re sure you may resonate with, and some reasons why a conversion platform may be the best choice in each situation 👇

Scenario 1: No CTA’s other than a contact form

When was the last time you sat and voluntarily filled out a contact form because you wanted to buy something? Probably never – and that’s because we now expect service to be immediate. If you actually manage to get people to fill out your contact form, then they’re a smokin’ hot lead. But there are many different stages of the buying process, and not everyone who comes to your site is ready to buy there and then. That doesn’t mean we should ignore these people, though. They are still potential future customers, who we need to keep in the pipeline and nurture through the process. 

It should also be noted that too many CTAs can have the opposite effect too – on average you should aim for one CTA within view at any one time – too many can be seen as invasive and irritating and take away from the content.

Scenario 2: High traffic, low conversion rate

Your site is teeming with traffic. You’re rockin’ it in SEO, Google Ads is working like a dream and your marketing team are feeling good. But, high traffic does not equate to conversions. Only 2% of your website visitors convert, on average – and that means that 98% of them don’t. The amount of money you’re burning driving traffic to your site is a total waste if you’re not making the most of it. The people coming to your site are largely passive, and so you need a way to activate visitors.

Chatbots can do this, however the traditional chatbot which pops up from the bottom right of the screen is often seen as irritating and often blocks the content. We came up with a solution for that – our InpageBot slides seamlessly into the content, offering opportunities for visitors to convert, whatever stage of the funnel they’re in. You can collect their details, but you can also ask qualifying questions which allow you to ensure you nurture each customer in the right way, at the right time, using the right team from within your organisation.

Lauren Blog Post Images 9 Chatbot Chatbot platform vs Conversion platform

Scenario 3: Impressive website, low traffic, low conversion rate

You’ve spent months (and probably hundreds, if not thousands) getting your website looking ship shaped. You’ve written some incredible copy, your images look like they were created by an award-winning designer and it’s running at optimum speed. Sweet.

You rub your hands together and open up your page analytics to find… Well, not much.

Your traffic might be doing ok – we at Leadoo consider anything above around 1000 visitors a month a good starting point to start making some improvements (when it comes to conversions, at least!). So now, which of those two do you focus on first? Well, the cost of online advertising has increased threefold in the last ten years.

That means that the cost of driving traffic to your site isn’t getting any cheaper or easier, and so now it’s better to start to focus on gaining conversions rather than increasing traffic. Better to invest in working with the traffic you do have through converting more visitors, than to waste money on increasing traffic if the visitors don’t do anything once they actually get there.

Scenario 4: Poor user experience and navigation

From the second you land on the website, it’s an eyesore. Poor navigation, no mobile optimisation and a lack of personalisation for the customer visiting – they’re not likely to stay long even if they are super keen. We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again for absolute clarity; make it as easy as possible for your visitors to take action on your site, whatever that might look like to you.

Depending on the type of industry and customer you’re dealing with, a traditional chatbot might be perceived as annoying. We solve that by making use of an InpageBot (designed to form part of your content, and with conversation pathways tailored on each page to suit the context and content the visitor is looking at) or a VisualBot (a visually engaging bot which can make use of video, gifs and images to assist your customer in their buying journey) to improve the experience each visitor has on the site, increase conversions and reduce bounce rate. 

So, who are we an ideal match for? 💙

🚫  We’re not the one for you if you’re looking for that £5 a month level of value. We really do believe that you get what you pay for.

✅ Slide into our DMs if you’re looking to increase your conversion rate and/or your sales team are looking for extra hot new leads.

Key Takeaway

Chatbot platforms are dead. Long live King Conversion.

But seriously, get in touch with us below if you want to up your conversion game 👇

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