Step 1. Decide what you want to add to your audiences. ie. people who talk to specific bots / have clicked a certain button during bot discussionYou can create different audiences for people who’ve clicked their interested in working for you or buying from you Step 2. Create triggers on GTM Create your triggers based on your decision what you… Continue Reading
If you are currently using our livechat application and have noticed that the sound notifications are not working properly, we would like to clarify that this is not an issue with our application. Instead, it appears to be a browser-related problem.To resolve this issue, we recommend following the instructions provided on thetroubleshooting sound issues in Chrome for Chromebook, Mac, Windows,… Continue Reading
If you are currently using our livechat application and have noticed that the sound notifications are not working properly, we would like to clarify that this is not an issue with our application. Instead, it… Continue Reading
You can change your Bot Icon and Bot nickname from individual bots settings. Navigate to the bot you want to change the icon. When you're in the Conversion Kit and have found the bot you… Continue Reading
Lead settingsOn Lead settings you can define what information you want to include on your lead emails by selecting different sections.**Note, that all the information is not always available, in which case the field will not be included in the email even if selected.You can also define Email subject and intro text. That way you can make the email subject… Continue Reading Learn more about Leadoo Visual Bot Builder here! Continue Reading
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